Jesus John, what would you have the lady do under her particular circumstances? Few are fortunate enough to obtain an apprenticeship and get a master such as yourself; and I can tell you that even full length apprenticeships with some "masters" is worse than useless.
Lets see now In three months Improve my knowlage on anatomy improve my trimming Improve hoof mapping and balancing Improve shoe shaping as in kegs Improve forgeing skills n shoe making Improve fitting Improve nailing and finish Improve horse and people handling skills Improve the service I provide to my charges Improve my income Improve my families life style IMPROVE MY FARGONE SPELLIN Improve my health n welbeing Improve how well I relate n get on with people Improve my golf Improve what a good word yesssss I like it improve All this in just three months YOU LILL RIPPA
Anthony i'm trying to say those 3 month college courses in my view are a waste of time. i'm not talking about Kim
I have to build a sidebone shoe for a mule tomorrow that has a golf ball sized sidebone. It has been going really well for the past year with it. the owners took them down to Bandara , Tx for trailriding during the drought and they also went to the mountains in Colorado..I want to take photos tomorrow with my phone,,but I havent figured out how to get them to post here? I can sent to facebook directly? Can ya sent photos directly to this site?
Just go to this site on your phone and hit the upload a file button just like you would on your home computer.
one from today. 3rd level Dressage horse. Since I usually post pics of fronts, I thought I'd post a couple of a hind. It was so friggin' cold in the barn my cell phone battery died. The horse wears #2 heel lifts behind and a full frog support wedge pad in front.
No, its the right hind. The one with the shoe on is the left hind. I neglected to take a photo of the left hind after I trimmed it, so I added one of the right hind trimmed but not re-shod. Right after that, the battery died......... The photo of the shoe that is taken with the shoe on edge is the right hind shoe and I was just trying to get a photo of the shim.