Ok I am getting a forge and I have compiled a list of things I remember needing for building shoes. Can you guys look through my list and give me pro's and con's on different tools I have listed and tell me if I am forgetting some stuff. 1. Butcher Block Brush 2. NC Tool Co whisper deluxe 3. Creasers Blurton cresers 4. fore punch mx55 ehead punch 5. drift punch 6. pritchel 7. tongs(what inches do I need?)
Tool steel is cheaper than buying them. A stamp will cost $1.50 and a pritchel about $8.00. A mustad creaser is good value, takes some abuse and cheap Mustad tongs 1/4 and 3/8. Hollow bit tongs for forgeing tools. this place is good. http://anvils.co.uk/products/list/57 Ray the cross pain hammers on this site are reel good and cheap for clipping.