He is driving his nails in all directions his clinches are (wind swept) he is not nocking them down square. his nail line is not good, clinches are all different sizes, some of the clinches are week, and needs better use of the rasp.. so if can sort out one or two things I have mentioned his work will be better
I apologize, I originally thought Smitty was talking to me. For the record I thought his comments were justified on my work as well.
Mike, I don't know why your toe nails are so low, but I can guess. You may need to back punch your nail holes so you can put more pitch on them while you're driving. (As mer Micheals comment about kegs not having enough pitch.) If you're having to drive toe nails low to avoid sticking them then your toe shape is either too narrow or you need to select a finer punched shoe, or both. Hope that helps.
I think my nailing may be a little bit of all those things. I realized one for those horses was done right before lunch and the other was right before I went home. That's probably the real reason.
It's hard to nail on an empty stomach. I do crappy stuff like that sometimes, but it's because I suck sometimes. Well, ok, most of the time. Regards
I was joking. I'm lazy and always look forward to lunch time and quitting time. I think Joey was right about fitting my toe too narrow, I really watched that today and my nailing came out better
What's up with that weird part in the hair over the coronet band? That, combined with the heavy bruising in the lower wall puts up a red flag for me.
No worries .working in ruff uneaven rocky ground in close quarters with other large critters kicking rock stepping on himself , being steped on by other critters you name it its pritty common in a working ranch horses in the southwest.
Alright, Here you go! I would like to get some more support in the heels, take a bit more off next time. Horse was purchased by this first time client a short while ago. I went up two shoe sizes (from 000 to 0) Apologies if it is a bit picture heavy! horse was a bear to work on but we got there. Always looking to improve and I know there is ALOT to improve upon so fire away ladies and gents Before: