lax tendon for vet

Discussion in 'Shoeing Horses with Lameness Issues' started by travis dupree reed, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    And it's off again!!! Hijacked thread getting highjacked again by nonfarriers posting in the farrier section!!

    Kim has already highjacked this thread Denise, if you want to talk about copper start a new thread.
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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    Kim my hope was you would pay special attention to the diagnostic procedures to determine which tendon is invovled, and then make a decision based on thorough diagnostic rather than speculation.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Lots!!! mainly the showies & dressage knob's. Feed for stupid reasons. Coat, immune boosting, or the sinister of them all . To quieten the horse down. Is there a difference between acute or chronic severity of the poisoning & damage done by it . How early the symptoms displayed are picked up on & the poisoning stopped. What amount administered over what period of time.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    It sounds to me like you've confused the common use of copper as an external topical antimicrobial (toxic substance that kills microbes BECAUSE it is toxic) with TRACE copper used in a chemical reaction as part of a biological processes in tissue development. That and apparently not understanding the difference between treating an infection with a non-necrotizing antibiotic vs. treating with a necrotizing toxin.
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    jack mac Guest

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    How is that Hi-jacked ? It was David that brought copper in to the subject. Not denies . Kim my hope was you would pay special attention to the diagnostic procedures to determine which tendon is involved, and then make a decision based on thorough diagnostic rather than speculation.So what's you expert opinion Justin ?
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Jack, you and Denise seem to be on the same page. Nobody else has gotten confused by the common practice of off label use of Tetracycline to treat flexural deformities with it's standard use as an antibiotic. So now y'all are talking about an "infection" and everybody else is talking about something completely different.
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    jack mac Guest

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    I Think you will find what David put forward with the copper suggestion has got a little twisted & confused. It is the underdevelopment in foals at a later stage. affected by mild anemia . Due to not getting the last charge of blood from the placenta.
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    DeniseMc Member

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    That's from an article on Dr. O'Grady's site written by Dr.Tracy Turner. If the tetracycline is not treating a possible infection, please describe its mode of action in relaxing the deformity if the deformity is not caused by infection. And why doesn't the deformity return after the tetracycline is stopped? Maybe because the infection is gone? Or maybe not. Yes, I have heard of using the tet off-label to relax the tendons but as far as I know its mode of action is still not understood. (Well, I guess Thomas understands it)
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    jack mac Guest

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    I don't think I've misunderstood anything.
    The problem with this foal is not deformity per say . It is one of growth plates. The fetlock joints having developed faster then the rest of the limb. which is quite common to find in foals born earlier then the 11 month gestation. Normally it involves the knee's & hock's so it does not present a problem. I feel its a bit premature to be cutting tendons & not giving other growth plates an opportunity to catch up. If the foal can stand move about & suckle from its mother. Then it should be afforded a little more time for other growth plates to catch up before drastic measures are taken . Thomas Tetracycline is an antibiotic. Its use in cases such as this is. A to treat a possible underling infection that maybe causing interruptions in synchronisation of growth plates & the hormones involved or B causing an immune response that will trigger a normalisation of hormone levels to bring about synchronised growth patterns in growth plates.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Justin, I did read where it said careful palpation of the ligaments to determine which is more involved.

    However, I'm not the Vet and I'm certain he will do so.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Spoke with the Vet. He will try the check ligament desmotomy first, but strongly feels DFT will still need cutting.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Tom you will find antibiotics in feed stock pellets for pullets & other young growing animals for two reasons. Reason one help prevent & stave off Infections. Reason two which is not really talked about in public . The effect antibiotics can have in stimulating faster growth in developing young. It sounds better to the public they are only adding antibiotics to help prevent & stave of Infections in the live food industry.;)
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Didn't think I'd really hijacked it because it was a foal with a flexural deformity. Just of the opposite nature.
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    DeniseMc Member

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    I didn't think I hijacked it either-Ray brought up Cu as a possible treatment-I commented and questioned its' mode of action in these cases. Justin just doesn't like me here. Fine. I'll butt out.. and go ask my questions on an equine nutrition site or biochemist/pharmacist site. This is obviously not the place to discuss it.
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    jack mac Guest

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    I don't think it was ether of you girl's.xx So I will take the rap! I just wish people would stop being overly friendly & saying hi to me all the time :D
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    Jack F**K OFF
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    jack mac Guest

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    Why don't you ? What do you ever bring to the table Chris except your whingging whining attitude.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    It inhibits normal collagen organization by myofibroblasts, Denise. The DDF and the inferior check ligament having some myofibroplasts, it may help them relax for a few hours, or in other words temporarily allow them to elongate a bit more under pressure and thus facilitate splinting or other corrective techniques. Nothing to do with infections, just messing with cell calcium.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Heavy metals poisoning doesn't hurt anything. I've been casting lead for years, but I'm better at it. No, you suck at it. Whatever, I'll kick your ass! ;)
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    There's a lot of medical treatments that work for specific ailments where the mechanism is not understood. If the mode of action was in any way related to a bacterial infection, then this condition could be treated just as well or better with other broad spectrum antibiotics BESIDES tetracyclene and get similar results. Since other antibiotics don't have any effect on the condition, process of elimination dictates that there must be some other property unique to tetracyclene that produces favorable results. You don't have to understand exactly how it works to rule out how it "doesn't work" by process of elimination.

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