Got over the Surgery for Kidney stone, now the other of many maladies are rearing their painful heads. Being kicked down a few years ago the right hip is a bother: tear hip 10cm&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS437US437&biw=1024&bih=555&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=0HMbBgrM4dwhZM:&imgrefurl=,r:3,s:0,i:86 The article is of the shoulder; see rad posted, but the hip is what I was posting about. 10 cm tear in HIP Labrum.......
Does that include the medial meniscus of the right knee also? KICKED in 2000, ortho says it is shot along with the ACL. I wondered why my leg went right when I was going left...?
They say, ortho's, 4 months for the shoulder; no hammering. Hip, no load bearing for 2 months, because the neck of femur has to be remolded. Knee, no bending down for 2 weeks and neck and back..... oh well.... ibruephrophen(?) is a stock investment!
Mr perry,are you going to take an early retirement or are you going to work alot longer so you get more out of social security?
As a mentor to some or menicis to others. I see and have seen others work beyond "attitude". Me, as long as I can "pull off and pull down".
On the for real Jaye if you need some help staying catched up until you get things squared up let us know I'm sure me and my helper will be more than happy to do it for nothing more than the education and laughs ..I'm sure we can pull a Fri and sat here and there..