Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    East Texas or West Texas; divide is I-35 or so.....?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Ok. "What "I" have chosen to do no matter where I live or "disipline of the horse"". COOL! Another Kool Aid drinker. You don't give a Sh&t about the horse. just make a pretty shoe....Really BOY!

    Guess they didn't tell ya, in horseshoeing school, that fullered or concave used over a period of time on hard ground "Blows ankle/fetlocks out". Espeicially if one can't trim or fabricate a shoe to the conformation and way of going of the horse per the disipline asked. Look up the study; "plastic shoes and rubber treadmill cores/mats"; paraphrased. Really "sticky".......

    Only time i used concave on hard ground was 2001, PanAm Endurance, Vermont. Granite roads at an FEI level event. Only "Stock" i knew that would hold up for 100 miles w/o reshoeing @ 35 miles. 3/4" x 3/8". And was light enough not to fatigue. So, Mr. Ramsey, your "reasons for concave on "All Your ponies"? BTW, that was the last time we, Kirk Caudell and I worked together. God Bless !:cry:
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    john mc loughlin Member

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    Josh when i get a chance i will pm you
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    I actually had to open the shoe up a bit. Now he's fit a bit shorter than I'd like in the heels, but I'll go up a half size next time.

    uploadfromtaptalk1348520371763.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1348520400287.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1348520418825.jpg

    Set the shoe back a bit more this time. I think I'll take the wedges off at the next shoeing because her heels are back better than my geldings and looked pretty good.

    uploadfromtaptalk1348520455582.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1348520479752.jpg
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    IMO it's better to be a bit short but fitting the widest point than having the length you want at the cost of cutting your quarter. Fold of the foot is very important to maintaining a healthy gif capsule.

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Tell ya what Jay. . .if it was such a bad choice of stock there'd be a ton of horses in the UK that would be having all sorts of problems that the animal welfare group would be all over it. Most of the people over there only have hard roads to hack down. Personally I don't see concave as having too much traction, they're still going to be able to slide a bit on landing but will have better purchase than any other shoe when they go to drive off. I feel that too much credit is given to how much traction this shoe or that shoe gives a horse. . .toe grabs and massive screw in studs however will because they either dig in or put all the pressure in one highly focused spot.

    As far as sliders go. . .the width of the web does more than the fact of plain stamping the shoe. I know guys who had all around horses on their books the were shod with kegs and the horses still slid.

    And by your comment pertaining to Kirk Caudell sounds as though you were disappointed in him?.?. . .if so that's a shame. Lots of folks I know hold him in high regard as to his abilities as a farrier and willingness to welcome/help the new guy.

    On making "pretty shoes" guys that can make a nice shoe more than likely know how to fit it properly and trim the foot it's going on properly too. The two of them go hand in hand. I believe Edward Martin said something to the likes of that himself also. I care more about fit than pretty but if I'm going to take the time to learn to build shoes to fit the foot I trimmed or to help the foot that I trimmed I'm damn sure going to make it look good too. Pard!!
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    Platerforge Guest

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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Step down the wedge. remove the whole package in a couple of cycles.....
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Will do
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Ever been there? if so, good you got out your comfort zone; if not, it's WET!

    See above.

    That is why I asked if you lived east or west of I-35.....

    As seen in specific disiplines. Sliders no traction behind, jumpers- the ridiculous olympic chalks and Timber racers a rim/concave shoe.

    see above

    Applauded Kirk, we did a bunch together.

    Fit the foot or fit the horse for it's job?

    YOU believe? Ok. Glad you wanted to parlay....
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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    Take the heat off of Scruggs, quarter horse with a toe clip.

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Did my horse tonight. Put a heartbar on over foot, outside heel always seems to want to suck forward. Floated it but may put equipak in next time though or use a g bar.

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    13.5" 7/16 x 7/8

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    13.5" 7/16 x 7/8

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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Scruggs needs to help keeping the "heat off" ! people/womens DSC00367.JPG at the barns think his legs are "HOT"! Has us all in "AWE", even my other assiociate Chad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Nice calves Scruggs!

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    Platerforge Guest

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    inappropriate way to dress as a farrier.....................you must always be in jeans and good pair of boots; even if it's 100*F+ outside
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    I don't think shorts go with a Polo well for a professional look. :p

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