Not many have shade around here though Marc.... I second enjoying the barns!! What brought you to NZ.......... ........and what made you go back?
I went there for the scenery, to see the world a little bit and possibly make a permanent move. I worked all over north and south island working with farriers and did a couple of comps too. I came back because we were homesick, had more oppurtunites to further our careers here and could earn more money too.
Here is a place I do some work at. The castle is ALMOST complete. They let me film it with my tricopter a few months back. Here is the video I made. View:
Did you see this one Rick? View: posted from my mobile.
I made that video, it was from the last event in Vermont 3weeks ago. No Phil unfortunately. posted from my mobile.
I did. Its really nice. My Go-Pro is used when the family goes ATVing or one of my grandkids has a soccer game or the like.
Did you make an appointment for that? Just to make you feel better, ......... it ll takes longer to heal for a person of your age than for a young person, I ll have two pints for you , let me know if that helps at all! Hope it s only bruised. Regards Ray
I was out on my own today staff free! As Ray says when I get to my age I need looking after!! the worst was I had to finish the beast before hospital!! small fracture but I will live. Ray would you recommend indulging strong liquor?