I appreciate this may not be the right forum, but a friend of mine will be in the Nashville area in April and is looking for a place that could get her on a horse for a trailride. If anyone has any tips it would be appreciated.
Any idea how close Nashville is to Darden, TN, Ron? i might have a contact for you if it's not too far.
http://www.google.com/search?q=trai...ding in Nashville TN&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Any of these places should be able to accommodate your friend.
i am putting one together on my ranch right after school,,,,,3500 acres.....ride along the Mighty South Canadian River.....Full day and a half with a Large Hickory Smoked BBQ dinner along with a 20 foot high Bon Fire and all the campfire trimmings that go along with it......Horses, Good People, Great BBQ and fun!!!! Send her to Northwest Oklahoma!!!!