Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    I build the banana shape into the hoof. Its easy when hot shoeing with steel if ya have a small bit of hoof to play with. I have done it with alu plates cold but find it very difficult to get it sitting level. I always a wedge pad I do one horse with a grade 4 hind and use a 3deg wedge on him.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Why were you exhausted Linda?
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Purpose of the wedge?. . .just so you don't have to banana the shoe so much or just for alignment after you knock all the heel off?

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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    The hoof aligns itself anyway without the wedge, it just leaves less of an air gap with the wedge. Possibly un-nesessary but I just think it looks better than the massive air wedge.
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    I savvy

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    gary evans old and slow

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    that makes the angle of the club foot look a lot better.
    Is the banana shoe just an ordinary shoe rolled up at the heels?
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    Yea Gary an ordinary shoe just gently tapped with the hammer from toe to heel on each branch to give a gradual curl from toe to heel, in that photo it looks like its just the heels curled up because he is rocking forward on it from the tendon pull
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    I've heard Jim Poor talk about shoeing club feet. He'd trim off the heel but wedge them back up.

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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    Does he roll rocker the toe as well? George Geist posted a video on his forum from the farriers convention of a talk on shoeing club feet and same as that the guy just said remove the heel and wedge back up. In my experience with the heel down and a 3 deg wedge a grade 2 will still have too much tension in the dft forcing the tip of p3 and the toe downwards so ya have no sole growth or toe wall growth and get the lip and demineralisation on the tip of p3 from the pressure.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    I asked Ronald Aalders about the wedge as I thought he said they were necessary. This was his response. Reposted with permission. :)

    Ronald Aalders
    Hi Kim, I think wedges necessary. Often a wedge is needed in low pa cases but I think they're needed in clubs a well. The reason is that a banana allows rocking forward effortlessly, but backward as well. I feel the ddft, but also the straight and oblique ligaments caudally of the pastern need the extra strain. The wedges in my experience takes care of that. Thanks for asking Kim! Ron
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    If i remember he'd wedge what was needed.

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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    saw the "BOY" grow. And saw
    the " grow" stagnate. "Product endorsement(s)" and "Party Lines"; money is money 'essa'
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Mr. Alders. His positions are , in many ways mine, do what it takes to get 'em in the ring. Long usage of Redden philops can and will be detrimental; IMEs
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    I've wondered that about long term use of a banana shoe, while the hoof might be growing well with the set up like with most things is it a trade off and something somewhere else in the limb is suffering?
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    Platerforge Guest

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    I wish it was from getting very happy:love::love::love::love: ...............but it's from shoeing and working in the forge at night:ROFLMAO: .
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    New shoes for Sherman today. Percheron x Arab - does carriage driving and fox hunting. Full web rolled toe - doesn't show up very well in images.
    0621131355a.jpg 0621131357.jpg 0621131357a.jpg
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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    Looks like Sherman can go on the march with his purple people eaters!! Looks good Tom. Same thing on the backs?
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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    Tom, you are going to have to give up your Man Card if you are using a hoof jack on the fronts..:)
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Percheron x Arab eh? That would be an interesting date, whichever way you look at it! :)
    Nice job Tom, do you know what those feet measure?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    "Percheron x Arab"- did numerous years ago. Endurance just outside Middleburg, Va. Better at Dressage than endurance.

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