This is about where I went yesterday. Ran into a game warden and TV crew while fishing. North Woods Law is filming in The County! I got filmed yesterday at Monson pond. I was just loading my boat on the trailer after fishing. The warden (Mennard) checked my license and everything was in order, and I had released the fish I caught so I'm guessing I'll get edited out before the show airs. But I think they may have busted another guy there for having 3 kids in his kayak without enough life jackets. They said the show will be on in October. Regards
Rick im not fond of mr green jeans in the north of ky and above..I was duck hunting in Illinois and the butt of a shotgun was sticking out the back if a soft case and them sob treated me like I was the Unabomber over goodness yall got a ton of rules up that way..and oh hell if you build a fire on a river bank its time to head into town and do a little paper work..they wont even let you finish your limit out your done right then..
Travis in Ireland if shooting the main attractions are, depending on the time of year due to licence restrictions , duck, deer and pheasant, rabbit all year. However it is not that easy to get a deer licence. And most land is private so land owners permission can be tricky at times...if ya look for it. If hunting with dogs; fox's, badgers and rabbits or pretty much anything that will make the dogs work.
It's not like that up here Travis. I think you would get along pretty well in northern Maine. Just gotta get through the flat landers to get here. Vermont is a pretty free state as well. Regards
Yesterday, took Lynny to the creek in her bathing suit; she caught 2 crayfish, 1 bullfrog; it was so hot; I jumped in the creek to and went wading in it with my daughter.......................spent time with my daughter during lazy days of summertime
It was the England USA polo international today, I managed to get a couple of decent tickets from one of the players and had a nice day with the great and the good. It was good to see Mike Azzaro again he still has the x factor. The match was very close with each country taking the lead, but England stole it in exta time with a spectacular goal by John P aul Clarkin. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd....720/944741_10151738088487453_1724352918_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd....720/995441_10151738088327453_1079408861_n.jpg
Any ticket that puts you sitting next to that pretty girl is a good ticket. She is simply drop dead gorgeous.
I think it is moral as long as you say grace giving thanks for the beer AND the straw before drinking beer with a straw.
Im not sure but there very well could be a trademark infringement going on here far as I know heartland has not released the rights to shoeing in a sleeveless shirt