Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Finish file and sanding block is all you need. If by sanding pistol you mean the buffer attachment for cordless drills. . . They're overkill on my opinion.

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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    Might just be the angle of the photo but those nails look awful low to me?
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    Tejun Member

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    Maybe slightly. Can't agree with awfully haha ;-)
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Your nailing is terrible and lm been kind when i say that
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    What is so terrible about the nailing as seen in the last set of photos?
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    IMO any nailing that is musical, higher at heel than to, or low for the size of foot/nail is not good nailing

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    Tejun Member

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    Well I have several today lets see if we can improve on it. :)
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    Tejun Member

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    Yes, for you, that is kind. ;-)
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    Tejun Member

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    A little philosophical question here? Not making excuses for my nailing job just guidance and doing it better. I know nails are supposed to ascend to the toe and be about a third of the way up the hoof wall.

    When nailing my aim is off(is a lot better with slims) and sometimes hoof condition ie nail holes everywhere, broken hoof wall, straight or concave hoof walls, make determining the precise spot the nail will exit very hard.

    My question is this, while learning, if I drive a nail that isn't exactly right should I keep pulling and redriving the nail, until it is exactly correct? I would and I will if you guys say its ok.

    I have been going on the idea, that pulling a functional nail for craftsman purposes would weaken the hoof's structural integrity and provide areas for bacterial infection. Functional nail meaning, a nail that will hold the shoe on and let it go if the need arises.
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Making Swiss cheese out of the foot I'd not good either. Good nailing all starts with the trim. . .when the trim is right the foot can be well fit, when the foot is well fit and nails appropriately placed nailing is easy.

    I place my left ring finger on the hoofwall where I want three nail to go and envision driving the nail to it. It's called proprioceptive senses, you always know where points of your limbs are even if you can't see them. Try touching index fingers together behind your back, same thing.

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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Josh when you say musical do you mean up down like this..or is musical just when the back nail is higher. .
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    Tejun Member

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    This AM. Concentrating on nailing.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    This may sound a bit odd, but I find you can tell a lot about the way the nail is going by using your ears... if you get the same sound pattern from each nail, they come out in the same place.
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    david a hall Moderator

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    david a hall Moderator

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    Tejun a couple of tips for you, I quite often dress the foot forward before I trim it. I take off the shoe exfoiliate the sole, trim the frog and mark out where the white line where i want to trim down to. I then take the foot forward and remove the capsule distortion, I place the edge of the rasp on the dorsal wall so it touches the coronary band and the distal border, and look for day light, I file the wall so it is straight from top to bottom all the way around. I then emery block it till its smooth. I then trim the foot, usually taking a bit less off. You will find it much easier to nail on and it looks great.
    A low nail if your fitting isnt that accurate is better than a lame nail.

    here is Grant doing it his way, this foot dressed like this will be easy to fit and nail to.

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqCm_XQDzTo&feature=c4-overview&list=UU-uorJQVhrcngeOgdXdPZqA
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Like that or basically any time the nailing is up and down.

    Is that a pic that I posted?.?. I have she bad days admittedly and if that us one of mine I believe I'll have to be scrutinizing my nailing better.

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    I can tell when it grabs the wall and starts to come out.

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    gary evans old and slow

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    Been seeing a few of these recently...
    A sign of the times, I guess.


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    gary evans old and slow

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    Take your glasses off... you'll hear better!
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Lol it is.. but where come from we call it the gypsy cross stitching..it takes practice to do..lol..I just happy to see tejun keep posting and working at it..maybe we can give him a few tips on fit or reworking nail placement ..or we all can tell him his nailing is shit and by shit im being nice..lol

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