Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    grimwood Member

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    I thought it was a pretty good looking shoe. What would you like to see done differently for the heels? Can you elaborate please?
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    sweeter hunter heels
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    grimwood Member

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    Tejun Member

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    Do you use a bob punch or a hammer for your clips?
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    jacob1 Member

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    No shoes on this one but he sure did walk alot better!
    image.jpg image.jpg
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Well done Jacob, I'm sure he feels a lot better for that
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    jacob1 Member

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    Thanks Gary.. When he walked off it took him several steps. But once he lined out he was walking great!
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    Tejun Member

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    I was shoeing a horse and this guy drives by and gives me a long hard look. Soon he spins his truck around and drives up to me. Stepping out he explains how his farrier has fired him because his horse is bad. He was a cowboy, a real one, not a rodeo one, but a working cowboy(from what I can tell a good one). He very nicely asked if I would attempt his horse. I said yes, just because that is what I was raised doing, confronting the bad ones.

    Everything was going so great during the trim, the horse did nothing. She was as relaxed as a sleeping kitty. As soon as I started nailing everything changed. I barely finished the front feet without getting a nail jerked into me. I moved to the backs, instantly the bastard offered to kick me. Eventually with great caution I got them trimmed. Then the nailing began. Disaster, he offered to kick three more times. After that he yanked his foot once and missed me with a quick sharp short kick, then he finally kicked me in the thigh. Just a tap.

    What happens when you actually kick Tejun? This happens when you kick Tejun. kicker.jpg

    Interesting thing. She had been foot roped before and she knew what was up. She never really did anything once I tied the foot up. Shows the power of the foot rope and its ability to teach a horse it cannot beat it. This horse who wanted to muck me out, as soon as the foot was tied acted like a gentle cow.

    It is strange, but not rare, another horse I had trying to get me once, I simply tied the rope around his neck and never attached it to the foot and he never moved a muscle.

    Ps. I am sure most of you know but for anyone who doesn't, if a horse doesn't take to the footrope, IE never been foot roped, you are in for a rodeo of epic proportions. A dangerous rodeo, dangerous to you and the horse. That is why I reserve the footrope for extreme extreme cases only, with owners who are prepared for any consequences.

    PSS the whip was laying there, I donot whip or beat foot roped horses, in fact you will be hard pressed to ever see me use a whip or beat a horse.

    What are some of the methods you guys who do bad horses use?
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    My job isn't to train them and it for sure isn't to get hurt so most all of the time, I just walk away. In some very limited instances, I'll request chemical restraint. With all the good standing horses out there, why get hurt trying to shoe some ill-mannered puke? Would a 'real cowboy' have such a horse in his remuda and even if he did, would he ask you to shoe it?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    The pic reminds me of horses I would do almost 30 years ago in the North Georgia Mountain; " If you can catch 'em you can shoe 'em"...."We got 'em tied off to the tractor out there"..."WE had 'em shod last year but he lost a shoe last week"..."the last guy that put shoes on her had a pool of blood about 4 feet across, said he was letting 'the poison' out of her feet"....
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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    When I moved to Denmark, I was still in the ranch mode - "if it didn't want to stand, it could get thrown on the ground". I, like Rick learned it was my job to shoe, not train. I would train for a price, but no one wanted to pay my price. Drugs work great!!
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    I tell them there's a guy just north of here named Tejun, who specializes in that type.
    I had a BLM puke trussed up like that once. No problem till he went Mr Miyagi on me and busted my ribs with the loose foot.
    I've also had horses who just needed a chain put through the nose band of the halter and they were fine. They had apparently met Mr. Lip Chain before.
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    I remember a rank horse where the owner said "hell, let's tye him to the log skidder while you do the other ones, that will wear him out. It didn't.
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    Tejun Member

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    I charge 75 an hour to do this. Cowboys have all levels of horses. Especially if they are one who is breaking horses for people.
    When the Cowboy asked if I was coming back I said, Buddy this is fun for me.
    It's only fun though when the owner isn't standing there crying. LoL
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Do you guys use twitches over there?
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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    A friend of mine gets some horses every once in awhile from some ranches out west, most of them are bit on the broncie side. I usually just tie a bandana or short piece of rope around there leg and they stand great. That's how they are trained to stand for shoeing and most of them have enough age you'll have your hands full trying to change them.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    fuck that if I had to rope a horse up like that, I would rather have the hour off and wait for a nice easy horse to ring up! if they fart too loud I jump in the van and drive off. Work smarter not harder!
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Nice to be in a position to turn away work.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Let the cowboys do that kind of work

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