Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    gary evans old and slow

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    Yeah, I saw it done in Canada once and I thought I'd give it a go on this total idiot of a horse I had to do.
    It went completely ape-sh~t! Thought it was going to kill itself and me!
    Haven't tried it since!
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Do you just walk away from the difficult ones too smitty?
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Lets put it this way i dont tie them up
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    Platerforge Guest

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    Someone has to do it. I commend you Tejun for doing it. Charge higher, pocket the money, charge more for shoeing too Cash only-and DON'T GET HURT! put all of it in money market account and don't touch the money.
    there will come a time when you won't be able to this sort of thing. learn all you can; and everything is said and done; and when you get older; and you will get older; you will have that money to fall back on.
    just use the easy horse money to buy a home and pay the bills.
    I used to get all the junk horses, nobody else wanted to shoe.....although mine were more of the lame ones~~that the other horseshoers didn't want to deal with and the owners as well. I made a living at it; and in time paid for a lot of things; including a home.
    Still shoe them from time to time.......money to pay for the house, as long as they are not too bad to shoe; I do them.
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    AnthonyLawrence Active Member

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    LOL Agree.

    But if I like the client I might have a go at a yang yang. Sometimes just holding them a bit lower solves the problem.

    Got a couple who think I have magic powers... but just worked out the horses were tight and couldn't stand being hoiked up.

    <ETA> A lot I just walk away from. IMO a farrier has responibilties not only to himself and family, but his/her other clients. People don't like it when their farrier is busted up and can't shoe their horse.
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    Tejun Member

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    Again guys I don't do it because I have to and I don't do it for the money.

    I was raised breaking horses. A bronc, man eater, outlaw, these horses were in my grandpas corral since I could walk. They don't scare me, and it makes me feel good when I actually accomplish something some of the best farriers in the world won't or can't.

    I know this 'cowboy' stuff is looked down upon by more refined farriers but honestly this stuff is as old as shoeing horses and I respect the art of dealing with bad horses as much as the art and craftsmanship of fine farrier work.
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    thats bollox Tejun , plenty of horses were left without shoes
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Yeah, like I said, I tried it once with disastrous results and haven't tried since. It seems that horses have to be taught to be tied up, so if you are going to go through the trouble of teaching them to be tied up, you might as well teach them to stand to be shod.
    I was just wondering how much crap you put up with before you walk away, or what you do to deal with them.
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    Tejun you are living on borrowed time
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    Tejun Member

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    Agree I get so many horses that other farriers around here had problems with and I get around them just fine. People think I am the horse whisperer. But usually it is like you said bad hips tight legs. But this horse was NoT that case.
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    Tejun Member

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    We all are. The worst I ever got Hirt was by a gentle horse.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    in season!
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Put more of your energy into doing the job right
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    Platerforge Guest

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    NO you do it for the money!!!!................you only have a few years to do this....get paid for it!!!
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    Platerforge Guest

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    I got kick by a child's pony in the head and broke my face back in 1991
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    gary evans old and slow

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    helpful and informative as ever...
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    Platerforge Guest

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    In defense of Tejun, in the book on Dr. Doug Butlers.......principles of horseshoeing.............he explains on what tying up a horse for shoeing is.

    American horses..[some] are rank out west, and this is a cowboy way of doing it and sometimes the only way out in the ranches with the mustangs blood crosses.
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    Tejun Member

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    Agreed. I have been turning out some great jobs And my work is showing vast improvement since the tongue lashing I have received in here
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Yep, here it is in Hickman's too - the bible of the Diploma course...

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    ray steele Administrator

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    I can see the advertisements now, .16hh, black, well trained, quiet farter, even a child could ..........

    my motto is, quiet farter, works smarter........

    I ve never been into tying them up, nor twitches, but give me a lip chain and a good horseman/woman on the end of it and i ve see stallion be in mid stroke on a mare turn placid till given the ok by the handler......... and no one was hurt.

    depending on the area that you live, the handling of the horse , and the consideration of the farrier is different.

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