Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    gary evans old and slow

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    Nice. What section did you use, Michael?
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    Michael Allen Champion spokesman for UK toolmaker!

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    Thank you Gary. 11 1/2 in of 1 1/4 x 1/4.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    that would be pretty unusual section here...
    I guess with section that wide, there's no need to bump up the toe, just draw out the heels to taper your branches?
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    Michael Allen Champion spokesman for UK toolmaker!

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    that is correct it's a drawing shoe. That is a pretty standard section 1 1/4 taper for a reining horse.
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Lovely micheal ...
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Good stuff Michael. Thanks for sharing.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    "I put some mats out for you..."
    (but didn't train the horse to stand on them!)

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    david a hall Moderator

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    God that shortens the life of a rasp Gary.....
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    Jack Evers Active Member

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    Mike, I never did many straight reiners, mostly working cow horses, but 1-1/4 seemed to much for most, a lot of them seemed to lose control in the slide (4-1/2 inch wide foot with more than half of it covered with steel) and get scared.. You ever have that problem?
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Shortens the life of the farrier!
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i cant get any shorter
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    Michael Allen Champion spokesman for UK toolmaker!

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    Jack, I have never seen this horse go. Just shoeing to the desire of the trainer. I asked whythey needed these longer shoes and I was told the trainer believes the toes were popping up at the end of the slide. So I asked them why they wanted a tapered slider then with the most floatation at the toe. I got very strange looks from everyone.
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    brian robertson Active Member

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    Hey Michael, you shouldn't let logic and scientific principles get in the way of what are clients pay us to do...
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    You can lead a horse owner to logic, but you can't make 'em think.
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    Michael Allen Champion spokesman for UK toolmaker!

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    The owners got it I think. The trainer is the confused one.
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    Clint Burrell Active Member

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    Received this from a customer recently. Thought I would share it here as this is how I look everyday shoeing.

    Being a picture of a picture doesn't do it justice, but apparently it won a couple of local contests.:)
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    You can lead a horse trainer to logic, but you can't make 'em think.
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    Joey Aczon Member

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    I also like the look of nails right at the end of the fullering, however I still prefer to leave room to get pullers in the crease. My preferences not withstanding, I'd be pretty happy if nail placement were my biggest concern on a fullered shoe. LOL
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    Joey Aczon Member

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    I made a pair of these earlier in the week.


    10-1/2" 1" x 1/2". 13-1/2" finished size. I'm really only posting these because I don't make very many of these, and I've finally got my measurements worked out for how much to cut/bump. This is the first pair I've made that fit spot on where/how I wanted it.

    I usually bob punch 1/2" and didn't have it on the truck so I tried (miserably) to draw a source with a 3lb cross pien I normally use for upsetting. Punched for an E6, had 2 in the box... so they're nailed up with MX60's.

    Edit to add: I did rush these a bit since I was making them at the barn and could have made them a lot nicer with some rasping. I'd have just made another bob punch if I wasn't at the horse, but time restraints outweighed the necessity for it.
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    Joey Aczon Member

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    Is that considered a fault? I haven't worked on anything that did sliding stops in years, but I was under the impression that rocking back on the heels was fairly normal. Several of the Vaquero's I've worked for in the past have actually requested a longer shoe like that, but with the extra length "spooned" because the horses would usually slide with their toes in the air.

    Maybe it's best I don't work on them anymore. LOL

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