Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i noticed but he was not shoeing our clients so that wasnt our concern , nice to bump into another farrier that would talk and work along side us though , its how it should be , a lot seem intimidated in the prescence of other farriers
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Interesting you say that, when they are training I tell them that they should keep working and always talk to other farriers when in the same yard.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I always tell them just to keep working:)
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    we find a lot leave when we turn up or move around the corner so we cannot see them or talk , seems pretty pathetic but thats how they operate
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    i dont realy do yards that other farriers come to
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Im telling a lie there is one yard a farrier does one or two
    i actually spoke to him for 15 mins the last time i was in the yard
    and he asked me if i would take his son for a few days a week:confused:
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Did u agree or not to take his son...
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    John we go onto several yards that 200 plus horses and 25 teams or more there , most have different farriers for there own reasons , language being a big one , another being that a one man band cannot cope with the numbers involved , many of ours are shod on a 4 week basis because that is what the pro demands
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I told him i was not in a position to do that at moment
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    jack mac Guest

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    I don't get having to bump the toe. It seems a lot of extra time & effete just to make it harder to fit to a properly dressed hoof. Are well each to their own I guess.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Can you guys take on someone like that or is there steps involved thru a board or the apprentice systems... And when a apprentice is taking on by a master does the apprentice get paid in any form other than an education and or does the master get paid by the government for teaching..
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    If they go the college road they get paid by the college when in college
    when on the road with the master the master pays them
    they do 40 weeks in college over the 4 year apprenticship
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    jack mac Guest

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I woudent like that breed of shoe Jack the LB
    would not like the clips,heels, nail holes or the toe on them in front

    and i have used them in the past
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    jack mac Guest

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    I'm no fan of them ether not my first choice in shoe . but they fit up & nail ok on some thick walled horses. I don't know how you dress your hooves. But when I dress a hoof up the last thing I want is to thick a web in the toe of the shoe that doesn't match what is in front of me after I have dressed the hoof . Having to leave excess toe on just to accommodate a shoe that was made to look pretty but doesn't really fit well with out leaving a heap of toe on. doesn't sit well with me. The farriers riddle you fit the shoe to the hoof & the hoof to the shoe.Its that simple. If you don't understand that then you got a long ways still to go. Some never get there Because they cant see the wood for Trees .
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Jack You jump the toe for a few reasons as I am sure you know, but for the benefit of others i will explain. The outside of the metal is stretched when you bend the toe, so if it were half inch then it becomes 7/16 or less, and the inside becomes thickened, say 9/16 so it looks crap. It is a bit of a jugling act putting metal here and drawing it there but to finish a shoe nice it needs to be done.
    The other problem in a 3/4 fullered is the fuller or crease widens the metal and the jump in the toe alows the shoe to be the same thickness through the radius.
    If correctly finished the jump will have no consequences in the fit.
    God its good to have you back, feel free to give me stick as I wont burst into tears. xxxxx
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    In other words David you need to able to forge well
    or it will look bad
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    jack mac Guest

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    I've Never had to bump the toe in a shoe in me life to get a shoe that fits best & falls on & my shoes fall on which is more then I can say for some of what I see past off as good work at some these comps. shoes hanging out on the medial side & bull dust spoken its what the judge asked for.WELL FIND A BETTER JUDGE BECAUSE ITS A MAJOR FAULT WORTHY OF BEING SENT BACK TO LEARN HOW TO SHOE A HORSE. If correctly finished the jump will have no consequences in the fit. Well tell that to all those mugs that cant seem to fit them. Define a nice shoe. Are you meaning because you an any other half wit thinks it looks pretty. OR nice because it fits well an serves the horse best. David you better have a word to your son about the concave he fitted to that horse . the pretty police have just decided. dubbing that concave section looks shit. All those in favour say I I!!!!!!!! & the horse well we wont worry about him his only got to wear them.
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    david a hall Moderator

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    He is learning and I will pass on your views, Interestingly they were his thoughts to and with encouragement from you I see him making more effort in the future, thank you in advance.
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    jack mac Guest

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    I'm not knocking his work. If it fits up well & suits the horses gait then Dubbing the toe of the shoe it is. OR should he leave the concave section full because it looks pretty.

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