Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    he certainly seems up to scratch , they have some good tutors at Warwick LOL
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Alex just the use of your rasp
    i asked a very good man one day how he got the finishhe was getting
    he said its all down how you push the rasp
    so i gave it a go
    Ian Allison was his name know to some as Spud
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    I use a save edge finishing rasps and emery blocks, but you look at all your pictures of the feet and some from competitions from competitors, do you emery block the whole entire foot all the way round to bulbs of heels. They always look to appear that they have been scrubbed by surgeons
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    just a safe edge
    i dont finish many feet my app does that but he is at college
    so i have to do everything
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    Christos Axis Member

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    One from today. #1 Kerckhaerts. Sorry, forgot sole pictures.

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    Christos Axis Member

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    I tried a new rasp for finishing, the Mercury Deluxe, and I was not very happy with the surface it produced. May be I need to get used to it a bit.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    And an important question : You can see on this horse the coronary band is jammed up a bit in the quarters in all four hooves. How does one correct that ? I really have no idea. Should I float the quarters a little bit next time or is there another way ?
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    How long have you shod this horse?

    Could it be the toe falling through, rather than the quarters jamming?
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    Christos Axis Member

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    Some 3-4 years, Kim, but he only got this coming out of barefoot this winter, this is this his 2nd shoeing this year.

    I have no idea. But the soles, frogs, bars, heels and everything else is in order, he has very good hooves.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    IMAG0151.jpg ...my go at it today...I know one thing if u draw a line from my front nail to the last nail ..my nail line is straight as a arrow..
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    Christos Axis Member

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    Beautiful work, Travis, what does this horse do for a living ?
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    travis why do fit the clips like that?
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Thank you Christos you to kind...your work is fine work ....he a low level hunter I think 3-6 is about as high as he goes..
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Gosh, Kim, I never thought of that. Interesting.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Lmao...I knew when I posted you would eat me up about the clips..I only set the base smitty ..and tap the top over lightly ..thin wall ottb has caused me some issues in the past bury the clip in the wall..next thick wall horse I get I will burn them in flush for ya..I norm choose not to..
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    jack mac Guest

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    Lose the side clips on the hinds . Go with a toe clip instead & stop fitting the shoe to close in on the lateral sides.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    Thanks for your comment, Jack, he was actually shod with toe clips on the hinds in the previous cycle, I had some steel plates his size and no other use for them, they served him well while he was not working that much. But he goes into endurance training now on rough terrain and I'll be replacing those shoes every month, so I prefer two clips and less nails. I'll probably fit him with quarter clips and four nails in front too next cycle for that reason.

    You are right about the fit on the lateral sides, I do that often, have to correct it.
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    If I remember linear geometry correctly, a line drawn between two points is always straight. ;) :)
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Do you want to start a thread with this question and a pic of the horse. Be interesting to have a debate about it.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    Good idea, David, I'll take fresh pictures of it tomorrow and start a new one.

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