Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Christos Axis Member

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    A couple more from today

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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    What do you aim to achieve by double fullering at the heels?
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    Christos Axis Member

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    I was trying to widen them a bit, Mark, just curious to the effect the fuller may have on that. Not much effect and bad aesthetics finally if not done carefully, I prefer just putting a dent down the middle of the section with the cross pein if I need to widen the heels.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    You dont have to fit flush with the wall for me
    i was just woundering why you left them sticking out from the wall
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    The fullering is too shallow to have a long term effect, a few miles on the road and the fullering will be worn away. You could try hammer boxing which will spread the section a slight amount enough to give you the extra support you are looking for. Failing that apply a heel extension if you revisit and found it to be insufficent.

    This is not a criticism, just trying to pass on helpful tips (y)
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    Also what brand of shoe is that? Thanks
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    163600_1529108829234_93194_n.jpg ...... I use my fuller to gain extension for heels and make wider... Imho just run ur fuller deeper christos
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    Christos Axis Member

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    You're welcome, Mark, no worries about commenting anything you believe could be helpful. You are right, the fullering should have been deeper to have any useful effect. The shoe is a Mustad BM. A reset, the foolering thing was from the first attempt. This time I cut the toe clip and fitted the shoe a good bit back to see what effect it will have on the long toe and low heel, haven't tried this before and thought of giving it a go.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    Same hoof, before, at 9 weeks, and after.

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    treacy 1.JPG

    christos here is one from a bit back
    this is the way i got him and she said he was not that long shod
    you woudent think that in the pic
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    treacy 2.JPG

    His heels were all over the shop
    just trimmed him up
    made a pair of concaves
    put iron were i thought it should be
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    treacy 4.JPG

    sorry about last pic was re sizeing and messed up
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    One from today; owner showed up midway and stopped me because he has a guy that work on her every six weeks that's some kinda specialist. In what, I don't know. They're pretty damn long for being done at six weeks, and all the weight is on the lateral heels!

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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Another one from the same owner.

    Mrs. Brown was born with no foot. Tiny little half a thumb size protrusion of bone with a tiny bit of hoof wall growing out of the ankle joint. Any ideas on making her a prosthesis?

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    Christos Axis Member

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    Thanks, Smitty, I'll try concave on him next cycle, I have two 14,5 inch pieces of 1/2 by 7/8, should fit him fine and also help get his flat soles a bit more off the ground. Will probably quarter clip him too.
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    He stopped you midway through so another Farrier could finish?
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    I'm a bit confused Travis... Is they any after shots..or are you saying he stoped ya to get another farrier out.. I don't understand how that happens ..
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    I do all the horses except this one, apparently. He pulled up when I was halfway through the trim on the left fore. I was gonna remove as much as I could and use Superfast to wedge it.
    It was aggravating because I think I was gonna be able to bring her around.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    I was hoping the frontal shot would show up better; there's a tunnel under the toe on both fronts!

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