Always a Suprise

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by Mikel Dawson, Jun 10, 2012.

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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    I put front shoes on a horse Friday. Saturday night the owner called me saying the horse was lame. I drove out this morning to check the horse. Upon examination there was no heat in the hoof, no extreme plus, but the horse was clearly not happy with the left front. The horse had lost this shoe so I was wondering if he had brused the sole on a stone before I reshod him. I pulled the shoe and found the medial heal area sensative to my hoof testers. This was the only thing I could find. The owner and I talked about it and we decided to leave the shoe off for a couple days. I then took my loop knife and began to pick around the white line in the area. Low and behold there was a piece of broken off nail inside the horn wall. It was about 2-3mm up in the hoof. There was nothing to see from the outside and I had missed it when trimming the hoof - it was deep enough not to be found by a normal trim. First time this ever happened to me.
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    Red Amor Active Member

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    Gday Mick
    Over time youll get this sort of thing happening
    Ive been merrily nailing away and pricked a horse
    this in a beast with good hoof
    on inspection I like you found some old nail which my new nail bounced off as I went for the exciting turning blow
    like your nail the old one hidden and undetected
    rotten ege all over my face

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