Outer hoof horn

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Karen Fletcher, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    It depends on the horse, it depends on the hoof, it depends on the use, it depends on the time left in the shoeing cycle. It depends on the soundness.
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    jack mac Guest

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    You sure about that ?:) Any Inter Dominion runners ?. i would say i have shod as many as you have Jack. Then you wont have any trouble tell us the reason for measuring toe length in trotters & pacers then . What about hobble lengths with pacers care to elaborate ?& while your at it .How the hinds should be shod with certain horses to improve their gait. I'm all ears do tell.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Give the owner a wallet biopsy, just to determine how bad it is.
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    just passin through Member

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    Pat,you shoe cripple horses lame horses foundered horses and you are a credit to society,I got tired of working on crippled horses and i got sick of the kind of people who own them..
    Now i stepped up and do good horses,horses with good conformation,i go to the same place day after day,one of my costomers gave me a harley davidson the other day and her husband didn't really want me to have it,but its at my house right now~ Her name is Kathey Warner..............do you think i know what i am talking about?
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    jack mac Guest

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    Shemp So When is Rick, Patty & Dr Nolan plate Myers turning up ?:D
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    I love that the argument has shifted from hoof sanding in TBs to toe length in trotters and pacers to "I have a Harley".
    For the record, the 3 stooges have chimed in- right on cue!
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    jack mac Guest

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    Well I'm glade you didn't throw in fixing their problems JPT . That would of been stretching the truth a little to far with Shemp.
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    just passin through Member

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    Pat,How many cylinders? Pat you seem to be getting a little nasty,i don't want it to turn out nasty,because i am ashamed that i got banned on horseshoes ........
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    just passin through Member

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    Pat,one other thing
    I don't care what anybody thinks this time,but that was really funny,or is just me?
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    just passin through Member

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    Pat,my example was not to make you think that i could be the only guy with a harley,my example was for you to think that a person who i work for gave it to me.

    Unless yours was given to you,there was no point to say you had one to,BIG DEAL Pat i love ya,but please read carefully or i could miss the point???
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    I think "My client gave me a Harley" was the only answer you could come up with to my questions. I think that's funny! Perhaps you will answer George.
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    just passin through Member

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    You mean that your costomer gave you one also and thats what made it funny?
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    No, I don't think you know what you are talking about.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    I have clients give me a house..couple cars..food ..clothes.. I show up they pay I buy...ain't no way n hell I would allow a client to just give me something that big...I would feel I at they beck and call...and if not u know they be say I give his azz a bike and this how he thanks me..lol
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    jack mac Guest

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    Ill answer Shemp . Timing , rhythm of landing & break over. Get it wrong & they break in to a gallop if ask to maintain gait at speed .
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    I know English isn't your first language Jack, so I will repeat the questions:

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    just passin through Member

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    George, This old farrier i know is 70 and shoes 20 or more horses a day everyday,he buys horseshoes out of state and fills a 6horse trailer full constantly and has never measured a foot in his life and does very little adjustment on the shoes 15 min a horse right out of the box,He is cutting all the other farriers throats at 110 per horse.And that says measureing is useless
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I think most farriers would agree that if the horse has matching pairs of limbs, then the toe lengths should match. I don't need to take a measurement to get that, nor do most skilled farriers I've worked with. I'm sure some folks have limitations in their proficiency and ought to measure everything, maybe even work under supervision - or find another occupation.
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    There you have it- proof positive- if you don't measure toes you are a hack and if you do clients give you a Harley! That's all the proof I need!
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    Unless a client has given you a Harley you should really keep your opinions to yourself. This is the ultimate measure of farrier greatness.....

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