Outer hoof horn

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Karen Fletcher, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    It's disgusting-the hooves
    Jack, there are some of us that do welcome your advice. I understand why. Hopefully things will look up here, and you won't feel so spent.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Catch you later JPT go easy on them .Oh & there was no charge. Not every thing is about money.I'd be playing the stock market if it was .
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    just passin through Member

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    Do you know how many friends you could have doing freebees? Karen is starting to warm up to you?
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Well let me go ahead and say im sorry in advance to any and all horse owners that may be offend by bad grammar and spelling..and all other short commings I have with speech and the writings of the English language.. I butcher it daily..if the is gonna be a condition before I can shoe a horse let me bow out now...but what I lack in those areas I try to make up in manners and respecting your farm the people and the horse..I can't be something I'm not..
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    dana fenn It's complicated . . . .

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    i don't think you need to apologize, travis . . . not at all. there's not alot of tolerance in this world. i took three years of business english and "try" to be correct. but i seldom capatalize.

    must drive most people nuts. but if they had the arthritis in my hands they'd understand how hard it is for me to hit that cap key.
    i had a wonderful girlfriend for years who struggled all the way thru school and flunking classes and bad grades because she didn't want anyone knowing she was dyslexic and the older she got, the more she tried to hide it. she was in her thirties before she finally found help for it but others had no mercy . . . . sad.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Meaning they pick the one that follows their instructions?
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Can you stick to chickens? ;)
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    there is verry few nice people on here theres me and that other guy
    whats his name;)
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Does EVERY thread have to turn into a pie fight now?

    You guys noticed that on the other forum, Red would post every day, but we've managed to run him off here in very short order?
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Im thinking of packing the 2 sites in for good
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    How about we have new threads, only about horseshoes and shoeing, and mods delete anything not directly associated. It's been a week or so since I could look at my replies here, and read about shoeing.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    And no non-pros. Period. They want to brag about how they keep telling their new farrier his job, then can't find a farrier, let 'em go to the chicken forum.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Why? I don't understand why people don't just ignore what they don't like. Either through a button or just skimming over it.

    I ignore Eric all the time. :p

    Joking by the by
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Kim, it's gotten to where there's only one decent post per page.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I'm glad you're keeping track of this. It would be helpful if you started a new thread with links to all the decent posts. Then we could have it all in one place easy to find.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    The above is not that "one".
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Travis Dupree Reed!!
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Not proclaiming to be any such thing, Jacko. Just trying to goad a troll into playing nice, and maybe even posting a picture of his mastery of farriery. (My God, it worked!) Decent work on the pony, by the way ( in my unqualified opinion ).

    So we've seen that you have a camera, and may be a farrier. Any chance of seeing more. Please!!!!!!

    And by the way, my problem is not with how people post on here, it's with what they post on here.
    I consider Smitty, Travis, and Red to be top notch guys. Their posts are always relevant and well thought out, often with pictures of excellent and interesting work. Yours, on the other hand................

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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    That's cause your taking up the rest of the page. Then you want to complain about we need rules and the mods to enforce them.

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