lax tendon for vet

Discussion in 'Shoeing Horses with Lameness Issues' started by travis dupree reed, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    So a logical conclusion would be that penicillin or gentamicin or some other antibiotic that doesn't mess with calcium wouldn't get any consideration as a treatment.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Nice. Im waiting to hear how it went. Was supposed to have left to take the kids camping, but such is life. Baby will have to stay at the clinic til Monday, so we'll still have two days.
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    DeniseMc Member

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    I think a more logical conclusion would be to administer a drug that is known for binding calcium if that is actually the desired effect of the antibiotic? for example EDTA but maybe I should ask a pharmacist or vet, not a farriers forum
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Excellent John, I know where to come when I want some.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    DeniseMc Member

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    I edited my post to add maybe I should ask a pharmacist or vet.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Give Dr. Steve O'Grady or Dr. Tookie Myers a call. Either one of them will talk your ears off about just about anything having to do with horses.
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    Christos Axis Member

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    I don't think that any other antibiotic would help in that direction, Tom, have never heard of any or seen any studies about any other antibiotics having such properties.

    No, Denise, "binding calcium" is too general a term. How and where exactly oxytetracycline affects calcium metabolism and its effects on collagen arrangement would be very difficult to replicate with any other medication that binds calcium. Knowing exactly how oxytetracycline does that would be a good start, but I am afraid we don't know that for sure either, so trying to replicate the results of a mechanism we don't really know with another mechanism we don't really know would be a rather long shot.

    And I don't know about you, but I don't stick random medications into horses to see what will happen, that's our vet's job. I just shoe the poor things.
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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    Bingo!!! thanks for the explanation Christos.

    The story I have been told about how the origin of it's use for limb deformities was in Show calves. Tetracyclines are a very widely used antibiotic in cattle it was noticed that when given to calves with limb deformities for other purposes, that there tendons became relaxed and the deformities improved. Then somebody tried it on a horse.
    Kinda like Viagra was developed to have been used as a blood psi medicine, but it does something else a little better.

    I don't have a link or know of one, that is the story I have been told by 3 different vets.
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    jack mac Guest

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    LOL Penicillin does mess with calcium. I was going to stay out of this after being told to ............................ by a garden gnome. However. There seems to be a lot of misconceptions. Could someone please tell me what bacteria would be classed as harmless & what would be considers harmful in the environment of a compromised immune system & how it would manage to regulate bacteria multiplication. classed good or bad till such time its immune system had built up a defence .
    Oxytetracycline works by interfering with the ability of bacteria to produce proteins that are essential to them. Without these proteins the bacteria cannot grow, multiply and increase in numbers.
    Could someone please tell me how administering Oxytetracycline only managers to inhibits normal collagen organisation of myofibroblasts in those tendons reportedly being targeted & not have effect on other tendons in the body or interferer with collagen .
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    SFT was cut mid cannon

    I went with Mark's trick. I didn't put the leather on yet. Going to readjust in a couple of days.


    It's a half inch extension right now.. Vet was ok with it. I'm worried it's too much, but baby is getting around fine.

    I'm wondering should I alternate the foal wearing it this way, then a touch back. I had read they brace twelve hours on and off so the foal doesn't get too sore.
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    Surely they told you what aftercare management is required?

    Frankly I'm astonished they've done what they have. For sure that's out of the bounds of my experience.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Well, was told to monitor it and adjust accordingly. I called back and he said it would be great for me to alternate on and off. Stitches come out in ten days.

    I'm going to do the twelve on twelve off deal.
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    have you got copies of xrays / scans ?

    is your vet working in conjunction with your farrier?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Like we talked about baby sister. I think it is "Joint ill". But we will see in 4 months.....:cool:
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    I understand there are many that don't think I should be doing this. Its been stated many times so there's no more need to be condescending about it.

    Yes, the Vet is working with me.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Definitely could be, but I hope not.
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Tell 'em to go and fornicate with themselves. You are learning at the expense of your personal pony and personal emotional attachment and the babies attachment. "WE" all started somewhere, in this case, a bit close but a "learning experience" none the less. A professional can disseminate.......
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    It is definitely a tricky one and I've fretted over it a lot. Thankfully it is my own and if I don't get the shoe positioned right or baby says its too much, I'm right there to change it up.

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