Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Layne Member

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    Hi Gary... I have never been able to toe clip a horses and like what I saw at 6 weeks ... IME ...

    I wish I could ... I like toe clips just don't like the feet they make ??? I sure it my problem just dont know what it is ? I also shoe mostly quarter horses with Mostly boxy type feet..
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    And the "boxy" fronts comes from where?
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    Layne Member

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    Well I always figured it was from an out of balance foot... as in too much foot in front of the widest part ?? I get the best results by setting the shoe around the coa.. And most of the time I wouldnt be able to dress that foot back that far to set a toe clip ?? I know the heels play in there as well but maybe that another subject :).

    Please Mr Perry I would like to hear what you believe causes the boxy foot ?
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    Layne Member

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    So if u toe clip a horse you obviously can not use those parameters ... How do you find your feet on toe clipped or perimeter fit horses at six weeks ??
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    Why would you use those parameters? 50/ 50 from coa is blood.
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    Justin Decker Active Member

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    A club foot would be air lol!!!
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    Layne Member

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    Good question :) it seems to work for me ?? But I don't dress the foot back ... I just set shoe under or rocker the toe so that from coa to break over is the same as my support length from coa to held of the shoe ... I really would like to know how other farrier keep a foot gathered up ?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    There have been 4 causations...... but if I give ones answers: thus the learning stops. Hint: look behind.......:whistle:
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    Layne Member

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    I have spent a lot of brain cells trying to figure our just how the heels play into the balance ... Still tryin to figure it out ..
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    I don't have the answers to how exactly heels play into balance but most of it comes down to levers. If you stop worrying only about coa (dynamic balance) and move forward to the center of pressure, you might come up with more answers.
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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    I have seen alot of horses get around with a chunk of toe missing but they have trouble when the heels disappear??
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Layne, I'm trying to imagine what changes you might be seeing... here is a horse shod with toe clips (and for that matter the toe nail hole used):


    and here is the same foot 12 weeks later:
    owain12a (1)s.JPG

    as can be seen by the growth:

    I don't see any problems caused by the clip or the nails at the toe. Do you have any pics to show what you mean?
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    Layne, if you can't find your feet after 6 weeks with toe clips you mostly likely need to take a good look at your trim and shoe fit.

    If you want to start a new thread about it we could go further into it but this is the everyday shoeing thread so I'll leave it at that.
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    Layne Member

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    Hi Gary ... I'm trying to understand what im seeing myself .. I have wondered if it maybe preconceived ideal or something ... The foot u posted looks good for twelve weeks it looks like he had really thick walls to be able to have that much laminae stretch out and not have a big toe flare ??? I know he at twelve weeks ...
    I don't have very many horses on my books that grow a that much foot ...??? I've wondered how much the the climate plays in ? I shoe in the deep south and it's sho nuff hot and humid ..
    The horses that get turnout normally get it at night .. So they stand in the dew for 8 or 10 hours every night .. Seem like they just fall apart ...

    Sent from my phone
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    Question Marc, what does this horse do that requires a slight side weight type shoe with a button on the heel? Thank you ahead of time..
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF www.thefarrier.co.uk

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    This is a driving horse, I only shoe a handful as i cant stand feather!! I sweetened up the inside branch to provide inside/outside definiton and the road plug in the heel provides additional traction on tarmac roads :)
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Hi Layne, there is no laminal stretch, What you are seeing is downward growth of the wall. When the foot was trimmed, the white line was perfect, no stretching at all. But yes, he is a little welsh pony stallion with thick walls and strong feet.

    I don't think climate particularly favours our horses either. Here is another: Irish sports horse this time, nowhere near as much growth, but at 8 1/2 weeks you can see that the toe clip is pretty much the same. The first pic was taken Dec 2nd, the second pic Feb 2nd, the horse was out by day, in at night. Pretty wet time of year here in England. Again, I don't see any problems caused by the toe clips.
    Could you describe the changes that you are seeing the you attribute to the toe clip?


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    david a hall Moderator

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    Tidy stuff boys :D

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