lax tendon for vet

Discussion in 'Shoeing Horses with Lameness Issues' started by travis dupree reed, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    DeniseMc Member

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    Can you achieve an appropriate gap with the limb still being postlegged, even with the wedging? Seems you would get more extension in the fetlock through splinting. Can it be splinted or is the infection preventing that? I hope you don't lose your window of opportunity.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Splinting would help, but yes infection prohibits that. Hope is she'll straighten the rest of the way on her own. Remember this isn't a mature horse having had this surgery. She still has a lot of stretching and growing to do of her own.

    Post legged is far better than knuckled forward anyways.
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Jack I don't want a slanging match on this thread, take it PM if you have to, or keep it respectful, I respectfully ask.
    I dont mind debate but I dont want every post started with name calling and antagonistic tactics. Its a good thresd this and has thrown up some great stuff, Its an owners horse and a farriers case so treat it accordingly. Many thanks David.
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    jack mac Guest

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    I think the respect went out the window with the bath water MATE!!!!!!!!!! .With that statement from Thomas. The fact is Joint ill is a broad term. Inflammation or enlargement of joints can occur with or with out infection. That was the point Jaye was trying to put across . Intoxicated as jaye may of been. The statement Thomas made was insulting to all Farriers & showed a hight of arrogance. OK Fine!!!!! for the sake of the forum I will let the pompous little muppet off the hook AGAIN!!!!!.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Its an owners horse and a farriers case so treat it accordingly.
    With all due respect David it is limiting to what I feel ethically I can say about this case . The Vet involved in this case has not presented it on this public forum for clinical discussion. Nor is the vet in question being afforded permanent obscurity IMO. Ill be in the buff club!!!! listening to tunes. Don't hesitate not!!! to call me.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Baby lost her left hoof capsule. Vet started on bute.

    She's staying til Monday now while I fix up a stall for her. Idea is spread lime pellets over the dirt, place a stall skin over that, and lots of shavings.

    Even thought of putting a poop bag on the mare but she'd have to wear it too long. :oops:
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    I'm sorry that happened. Did those involved discuss at what point it's time to stop treatment? At what point do you think it's time ?
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    My stopping point will be if she gets a secondary infection in the hoof compromising P3. Or if my comfort measures fail and she becomes unwilling to stay up and begins declining in health from that.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Choice was made for me today when I found this. I'm very angry that she was not properly cared for. I said I would pay extra for them to change the dressing, but was told it was included in the boarding. What I saw was as crudely dressed as I did when I was by myself with no help. No excuse for that here when there are plenty of employees and drugs if necessary.

    I had her put down. I did not see any other options given I could not even trust the clinic to do it right. The tissue was necrotic down to the bone. I am sick to my stomach over this.

    uploadfromtaptalk1341594501020.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1341594518890.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1341594550243.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1341594581501.jpg
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Some photos of her for a memento.
    uploadfromtaptalk1341594871059.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1341594896168.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1341595030250.jpg
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    i'm so sorry, Kim. I know you did the best you could. She will be in a good place when she crosses over Rainbow Bridge. :cry:
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    My condolences, Kim. You did everything you could.

    All my best.

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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Kim, So sorry for you ( and her ). Sometimes no matter how hard you try, things just don't work out. At least you did all you could.

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    dana fenn It's complicated . . . .

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    :cry: i am so very sorry for your loss, Kim . . . . i thank you for sharing the whole story from the beginning with us. ((hug))
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    Very sorry and you've done the right thing
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    I'm more angry and upset that I put my trust in someone who did not have her best interests at heart. In my mind there is no excuse for what I found. I was also not charged for the boarding but that is little consolation for the loss. And momma contracted an upper respiratory illness while there so I have to quarantine her.

    She may not have had a big chance at making it, but this most certainly did not help anything. I don't know if he was trying to pacify me or is truely dense as he was telling me she could still pull through to be pasture sound. This was the youngest vet (son). I won't be going back.
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    david a hall Moderator

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    Kim I am sorry for your loss, It has been a roller coaster for you. There are times that your best efforts are without reward. If there is a plus then we have all learnt something from your posting here.

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