Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Mark Gough New Member

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    Tom, I didn't cover intent because it would not occur to me that a farrier would with malicious intent lame a horse. I suppose such a case could be made. Perhaps recent events in the gaited show ring would be examples. Still, such examples would not fall under any liability discussion as pertains everyday shoeing.

    I would tend to agree. It would get legally dicey if the work was done at the owners insistence.

    Defamation (covers slander and libel) is generally reserved for cases involving personal damage to ones reputation.

    In the example you've described, the civil offense would be one of Tortious Interference. It's a good reason why vets and farriers should NOT disparage another practitioners work in the presence of a client.

    In short, tortious interference with business relationships can occur when a person intentionally acts to either prevent the establishment of or interfere with the maintenance of a business contract. This can be a really big deal if the business at issue is a large barn account.

    So, what have we learned today?

    Liability for our work probably isn't the risk that a lot of people believe it is. You can do poor quality work and, as often as not, get away with it.

    Speaking poorly of another practitioner can be a serious problem and open you up for all kinds of litigation.

    Somehow, those two legal views seem as wrongfully reversed in both logic and ethic as they are utterly predictable in our system of government.

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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    This guy is a true horsemen he works with them both every day

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    You have to remember Tom also thought this website needed a 6 figure security program. He seems to enjoy coming up with over the top things and trying to make them a reality.

    I'd like to know who the guy was that came up with Farrier being liable on the Guild Exam was.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Zach I have shod in stocks and rather be monkey stomped than do it..trimming I'm good with ..but Shoeing is rough..and I have never seen that good of a job done in stocks ..and I sure ain't come close to it.. nice job..
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Damn tom do own stock shares in durasole..that purple stuff is all over the place..lol.
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    ScottC New Member

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    I have been watching the forums and these are the pics you finally post?? How long have you been working on that foot? What are you doing to address that distortion? Cant even see the clinches. Thrush medication exploded on the hoof? More pics of other jobs please.

    We have all seen your perfect use of a digital camera in other photos...
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    Thanks man

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    LOL! Scott I've tried to bring up the clinches a little better for you. However I would like to know specifically what you are seeing as distortion in the foot. Perhaps you could mark that up for me or describe what you are seeing - keep in mind, this foot has very deep concavity, the sole is trimmed to follow that, and you can't judge that depth from an image taken from 90deg to the base.

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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    LOL! I go through about 5 cases a year - 250 bottles. The gentian violet really jumps out of a picture due to it having an almost fluorescent crystal light reflection characteristic.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    The hosting provider needs perimeter defense including intrusion prevention, cloud to backbone connection redundancy, and load balancing, not the "site."

    Eric seems to thing he is an expert on the Internet, though he's never been in a real data center.

    Henry Heymering wrote the Guild code of Conduct.
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    The laminar disinterdigitation perhaps?"course its obvious from the way you fit the shoe full to the toe ;) that you didn't recognize that or account for it in your shoe placement.......

    Really interested in your thoughts on this: When did Durasole become a primary anti-thrush medication or did someone else, because of their intimate working knowledge of your evil ways(based on their watching the forums(aka: lurking), perhaps mistake it for Thrush Buster?

    I really like your 'fly clinch'. Perhaps you would be kind enough to post a photo of the tool you use to obtain that style of clinch........
    View attachment 1290 [/quote]

    Its also really impressive when someone who has never posted photos of their work takes someone else who does post photos of their work, to task.........
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Imo..one of the few products on the market that if used like we tell them we see results fast..at first I was not a fan of the color change just because I don't like change to much..but now I like the color because I can tell if they are using it as I ask them to..
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    3 months and they can't be shod without stocks.... That's a blooming long time to train even the most spoilt horse !!

    I'm thinking they need to be doing something radically different to change the situation.
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    They are slowly coming along. I dont mind tho i charge the $475 a horse

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    Bloody ridiculous!
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Have you ever seen a "laminar disinterdigitation" abruptly change color around the perimeter of the foot at 11:00 and 1:00 like this one does? Is the lamina pigmented?
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    I don't need to be in a data center to know a forum doesn't need 6 figures spent on security. I also don't need to drive a nail through a frog to know it's dumb.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    I like the way ya fit the horse tom.. I don't see anything much I would have done diff not that it matters... I would have used clips but I need training wheels..
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I never said that a "forum" needed to spend anything on security. If you are just a customer renting space on a server to host your forum, then you really don't need to understand or be concerned very much about security.

    An Internet hosting provider spreads that cost of security over many accounts. If you are a hosting provider running your own data center (as was the original horseshoes.com) and along with a forum you host multiple eCommerce sites, then you should have the same kind of security as any other hosting provider.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    The cost Thomas or the fact using stocks 3 months in..

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