Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Usually I only put clips on horses that go over fences - though there are some exceptions. This horse has a hard wall that holds nails very well. Not that I give a damn what they think, but I've heard that some judges frown on clips in QH western pleasure.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately a lot of what a farrier can teach a horse while shoeing it can be undone by those handling the horse between appointments.
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    Hey if the horses are ignorent i charge more

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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    The fact that someone's fannying about taking so long and not achieving anything and having to use stocks and then further affected by lack of achievement to having to pay so much for something that ought to be so darned simple!

    I've strong opinions that owners are responsible for training the horse..... That may well mean they have to hire a professional trainer if they don't have the wit and wherewithall to do it themselves. But 3 months to train a horse to stand and lift it's feet and behave for the farrier is ridiculous!

    And as far I'm I'm concerned it's owners that are totally and utterly responsible for subsequent day to day handling between farrier visits.

    And yes I live in the real world and know there's folks who couldn't get a goldfish to swim round in a round bowl and they can't train their horse to stand and be polite but IMO farriers already have a big enough job to do and as one of the most is looking after their feet, if the owner can't manage that then they'd be better with a plastic goldfish!
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Yes I'm not sure why someone would think his price was to far put of line... Draft goes for 200 in my area and I'm in prob one of the poorest states in the u.s.... 19 hand azz hole of a horse in stocks trying work around the stocks is agravating ..take twice as long one could shoe atleast two light horse in that time frame if not maybe 3.. if the draft is really a pain.. also most will not even do large horses due to not really worth it to them or owners think it should be the same price as a Reg size horse.. also I myself have quoted prices with the intent of not wanting to say no but wanting to scare them away due to I just did not want to deal with it ..but if they say yes it would be well worth my time ..hell two drafts and I wanna call it a day..
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Thomas most horseman or women is gone ..not to be seen anymore.. they have been replaced with the carrot stick..
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    That what i did priced them really high hell even got 8 ropen horses to shoe out of the deal

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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    My ropen horse all handmades 5/16x3/4 concave up front 5/16x7/8 flat on rear

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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    Other than its usual slightly yellowish/ecru color, no. However, it can become discolored as a result of the oxidation of the nails(usually grey to black in color) leaching into that area.
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    For the record, I note that while you wear square toes, your horse doesn't.... ;) :)

    Why plain stamped on the hinds?
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    I like having a little slide behind also seams to be a little easier on the horses hocks when she stops on the healing side

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    thats not 3/4 x 5/16 concave stock
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    It sure is chris

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    where did you get that from then ? who rolled it ?
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    Triple b horseshoe supply out of Pennsylvania and ill ask her who rolled it but i wont buy any more it is the worst stock i have ever used it twist really bad

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i am coming over soon , save me some please , i will knock a few sets up for my host with it
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    Where you coming to chris

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    not far from Philidelphia , i am sure you will get to hear soon from the locals , i am coming over november , we should meet up
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    Zach's Horseshoeing Member

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    Sounds good get me more details please

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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    You're coming to visit me? Outstanding!

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