Glue On shoe

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by Mikel Dawson, Sep 11, 2014.

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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    Have a customer who's jumping horse tore the left hind off. There was nothing to nail to. The horse has very weak horn walls to begin with and jumping a big one this weekend. So only thing to do - glue on. I got a Dallmer glue on. It has a steel shoe to shape to the hoof, then screwed to a cuff which is glued to the hoof. It comes with glue, but I used Shoe - glue, much better than the stuff coming in the kit. Got the hoof cleaned up and shoe shaped to the hoof after which I screwed it to the cuff. I use the corner edge of the file to leave a rough finish so the glue bonds better. Once cleaned and ready, I shot out the Shoe-Glue through it's mixing tip and proceeded to apply to the cuff. Once glue applied I then set the shoe, making sure I had glue all the way back covering the heels of the shoe, and the top was sealed. Wrapped with plastic and let dry. Looked good. The glue when cured is more of a hoof color, but in the pics it is green.

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    gary evans old and slow

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    Nice job, Mikel. Did you make a pair of the feet or just leave them 'odd'? (the other foot looks like it's ready to be done anyway)
    Reminds me of this one I had to do a few months back:


    but this owner wasn't paying for anything 'fancy', so I just did what I could:

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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    Gary, I only did the one as the other was ok. Problem was I didn't have enough of the shoe glue to do both and I'm not going to waste my time with the glue that comes with the shoes. I tried it before and never really had much success with it. And I told her not to use the long studs any more.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    But will she listen??
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