I think the site is up and running! Thanks Andre and Eric! regards Ray Steele PS I'm adding a PS to this post and to a post further down, my email address is ray@bestbuyhorseshoes.com and phone # is 413 863 2443. As stated I'm not harwired to this puter stuff, but want folks to know that I want to be in touch if need be to pass on info about problems to Andre, so that they can be rectified, so as to keep the site useful to the community at large.
I can see that there will need to have a few rules around here! like leave some e's for someone else to use ,I'm sure there's only so many to go around! I m sure they don't grow on trees!
So who's in charge?? Thankyou for saving me from killing T.M.-he was getting awful close to getting kicked in the cajones. Stupid a$$!
Karen, is it easier to "chat" with Eric's apron or Tom's bear head than my question mark? Regards Ray Steele
LOL! The E AND Apron remarks. Not for nothing - though I like to read the hard hitting critiques and advice - the wit and humor of this site is refreshing. Very different flavor from the ghetto nasty bar that some tried to pass off as enlightened conversation in far away places. Hey - it might just be me and my cookies but - for some reason, whenever I type in "farriersforum.com" into the browser - it takes me to the "redirect" http://farriersforum.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi instead of here.In order to get here - I have to go through Google.Others may be having this problem too.Who is Andre? Any introductions?
Mary Ann, Andre is my brother in law ,who I turned to after speaking to Eric about this site after he decided to end it. Since my computer ability about ends with plugging them in, it was Andre with help from Eric that got it up and running again. Since Andre has a full time job ,I will often times relay info/problems to him when he is not at that job. And when I ask to much he will probably do just like his sister does and ignore me,therefore us. Eric has been very helpful and Tom Bloomer has been generous with advice. With them and others I hope to keep it informational and still have some enjoyment, even if Eric doesn't invite me to the Derby parties! Like you, I found it much easier to get around this format than the other and thought it worth a try to keep it going. Most importantly,to me is learning how some folks do the same things that i do...differently.. and get results, some times better ..sometimes not. Regards Ray Steele PS I hope this will answer some of the question that Thomas asked.
Great introduction! And with folks like you at the helm, it will definitely continue to be a pleasure to visit this site.
You might want to tell folks via email about probably needing to clear cookies if they've been trying to access while it's been down. I know I had to Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
John and Bruce, Not sure about the fan base or the rebirth, but with help from all of the members I believe that we can have a good informative site. Now we should start talking farriery, horseshoeing , hoofcare, blacksmithing etc. and all that goes with it, in my opinion, that's what the site is for. Thanks all for the posts . Some posts were lost ,if you notice most of May is gone, but there's plenty of paper and crayons for everyone to fill the space. Regards Ray Steele