Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by smitty88, Jun 26, 2012.

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    What is your prefered pattern of nailng?
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    three a side evenly spaced but with the heel nail further back than most ,why ? coz thats the way i like to do it
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Whatever meets the needs of the foot in hand.
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    Marc Jerram FdSc AWCF

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    Even spacing between nails as far apart as functionally possible to allow for maximum hoof strength. The main problem i see with hoof quality are nails all bunched together that are like driving a metal wedge up the hoof wall. 3 weeks down the line the hoof wall is all broken up and the shoe is rattling.
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    Eric Russell Active Member

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    Old reliable for me. Toe nails at the back of the web, 3rd nail at widest part of foot and one centered between the two.
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    Steve Marshall Member

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    Generally as Eric said but, if I have a foot that has thin walls I will shuffle around the position each fitting. Of course depending on growth and old vrs new nail hole location. Very very rare I use four nails, cant remember the last time.
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    George Spear Member

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    what eric said
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    Christos Axis Member

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    When no clips, as Eric said. With a toe clip I will normally avoid the toe nails as I find the clip is enough there, and I will use two or three nails each side. Two nails if the horse has good strong wall or not workin much, three if the wall is iffy or if it is in good work. With quarter clips I will normally use two nails each side, both behind the clips. In all cases I may add a nail on the lateral side if the horse is working hard, is competing, is fitted with a stud there etc.

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