Coco is a 19 year old mare, history of lameness on the left hind for the first 5 mins of exercise which improves. She was referred to the vets when she pulled up accutly lame on the cross country phase of a one day event.
As it seems to be for a similar audience then that would of been pointless . Id catagorise that as counter rotated.
Well I'm stumped. Can I poll that audience? I'm figuring since he worked out of it until the acute lameness that it's not a fracture. I'm assuming we're not looking at tendons or ligament in rads? Only thing I see is a track in the toe and that's so far away from anything sensitive that I'd imagine it's nothing.
Ok Justin did get it, the Horse obviously has a counter-rotated P3, so not sure if DDFT tension was the contributor to the fractured nav bone or if you look at the sole there is bruising in about the right place. Horse is still going ok, Vet wanted elevation and sole pack and is hacking sound.