I'll take a stab at it. Does he have hock issues? taking pressure/ stress off the lateral side. Encouraging medial to stick a little more. Now if I'm wrong don't mock me, just say I'm wrong or if you're feeling generous help me out.
Horse stands like Charlie Chaplin and camped under too. Vet came out last week for injections and noticed blood in the synovial fluid in the hock. Took radiographs and told her to stay off him until she gets his hocks fused. Doesn't get much vertical depth in the back half so I made these out of some odd metric size I had...something between a 1/4" and 5/16" by 3/4"...intentionally thin to get the frog on the ground...and hopefully have more vertical depth next go round. The short medial crease was for two reasons...first for a little extra width and second to get a little bit of toe redirection at landing...but stall rest on the horizon for the next month. I would say this is a very 'situational' shoe. Might also work well for an older, arthritic horse that tends to push a lateral toe flare (which is also this horse's case), might not. Most likely, the horse won't see work enough to even tell if the shoes helped...but I might get a reset out of them...we'll see. Bingo. Yep. For the time being, he's working on shavings in a 12 x 12 arena.
Nice portrait (scruggie 003) . . . y'all could do a farrier product catalog. (Ray could really use a nice catalog.)