Hello everybody. I'm discovering this new forum and I want to collaborate. I saw in other forum the pics of Jhon mmhorseshoeing about his tecnique of to put screws on the hoofwall when he treats quarter cracks.I like this one and I want try. This morning I put a screw in a crack.It looked easy for me. I believe that can help in the treatment of quarters.Besides,the spectators are with the eyes open- "Oh,it's amazing" say the owner. And it`s good for my bussines the owner say that one. I try put the pics:
This editor is very good!!!! I see the pics and I think I should put another two screws. The next time. I'd like to thank Jhon Muldon about his idea and his will of show them.
Hey Gabino, what do you think the reason for the quarter crack was? Do you think the screw was needed on this one or were you just trying John's technique?
This crack and me,are old friends.He goes and comes each many time. The horse is founder and it has side bones osificated.I think the laces,screws,plates screwed,glued, etc, do not help the quarter if you dont get a properly balance before. But..in this case I found this methode is easy,fast and cheap.The best of all: It`s a thing that the others farriers don't use never here in Spain.The screws do not hurting the horse and the owner,vets,others farriers and spectators can see this is anything new and amazing.Like Tom Stovall say: "If you make the same thinks than the others,you will like the others" However,I think this methode could be very interesting in the toe crack.I'd like try. The toe crack is a problem that makes me to think.
I never thought I would see the day when it would be a good thing to be known as a farrier that screws up feet.
Usually I don't believe neccesary the suture,like you can see in another cases of mine.A properly balance should be enough. I think that in many times,the heel cracked could be get weight and it will move forward-back, hurting the coronary bandage. Perhaps in this case,the suture could work good. Another answer: The suture of the cracks get to farrier an halo extra and amazing for the owner.
I have always contended that the reason for the crack needs to be adressed first and foremost. I reason i use the screws is to stablize the area to allow the horse to keep preforming until the crack is out of the coronet band.
Gabino...did the hoof have cracks on both medial and lateral sides of the hoof or is this a different horse?
No,is another horse.Two months ago,I float the heel and I put a straigthbar shoe.Today,I float the heel,but less than the first time. I like tis methode of screwing in the wall. It's a great tool.
There's so much to comment on with that photo that I'm at a loss to appreciate why it's felt there's a need to do joinery. Is that horse sound?
Yes,Sir. The horse is sound. Why joinery? If I believe the screws can help, I must put them. All help is welcome for the horse.