In the last few months, some people in the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) community have brought horrible publicity upon the breed: abusers, torturers, uncaring owners, trainers, and show people. But as a mentally challenged man who worked as a stable hand clings to life in a hospital, this community has shown a horse of a different color. Mike worked for a Tennessee Walking Horse farm. Because he is mentally challenged, his duties were limited to cleaning, brushing horses, and odd jobs, but he did them with pride and he did them well. He smiled the entire time he was at work. He rode his prized possession, a used bicycle, to work and back, and waved to everyone. He would talk to the horses; he had a special way with animals, despite what some call a ‘handicap.’ “Although they may not have the mental capacity to think and react like most of us,” Mike’s employer says, “they have a heart larger than normal and a willingness to work and be helpful to others that many of us ‘normal minded’ people would do well to pattern ourselves after.” Mike is one of those gentle souls on earth who does not know how to harm anyone with words or actions. Unfortunately, he also does not understand fear. Several days ago, a man allegedly pulled a knife on him with the intention to rob him. This was near his home in the city area. Mike did not know he was supposed to be afraid. Child-like, he did not understand he was being robbed. He called the police. On Saturday, he answered a late-night knock at his door. Three men attacked him at his home in retaliation. The men, according to reports, were related to the robber. At this writing, Mike is on a respirator and in an induced coma. Every bone in his body has been broken, and today he spent 12 hours in surgery to repair his face. “The Mike we know was not the Mike in the hospital room,” says his employer. He was unrecognizable, so badly beaten and broken. Now the TWH community, led by the family who owned the farm where Mike worked, their friends, and family, are coming together to help Mike recover. The perpetrators stole everything Mike owned, so people –friends and strangers - are going to assist him in replacing it all. Because Mike was mentally challenged, he always bought incorrect sized clothing, too large for his thin frame. Mike has no insurance, so a fund solely for hospital expenses has been created. A Facebook page for prayers and messages has been created. Philanthropy for Mike is not limited to the Tennessee Walking Horse community or horse lovers. Unfortunately, at times it takes a tragedy to bring people together. Horse lovers, TWH enthusiasts, folks who work with the mentally challenged, and people who feel it is the right thing to do – across the nation, slowly, are coming together in prayers, in thought, and in donations, cards, and gifts for a special man. A movement started by TWH enthusiasts has brought a lot of people together. It is about time real showmen have revealed the other end of the horse
awwhh. how sad, hopefully the men will be brought to justice; and pray that Mike makes a full recovery; and it shows what love can do.
I may sound like an uncaring hard-hearted BeeAach but do you have a link to an actual news article? This could be a made-up story trying to garner support for the horse abusers in general. Call me a cynical skeptic, but how come no last names were mentioned, no farm name references?
Thank-you. I have certainly paid my dues in becoming a member PT Barnum no longer smiles down upon me.
Dennis I cut and past it off Facebook that someone sent to me..the part I left off was the info at the bottom that 3 ways with numbers and address to donate..I left that due to I did not feel this was the place for that..I just found the story to be a very sick one for someone to even try to rob or take advantage of a mentally challenged person..... So I have no idea if its a true deal ..but if not it be sick sombeetch to do that..... With that said ..a few week back I was taking my 12 year old son to see my dad at the hospital and off the exit ramp was a homeless person and I give that person what little bit of cash I had in my pocket ..not much just about enough to get a nice son said dad that was parking deck money money ...and he went on to tell me all homeless where drunks and drug heads...I had to explain we are all just about 3 bad desisions away from being homeless..and when we give or show that we care for the others around us that all we can do is know what is our own hearts and that's all that matters....if his has a feeling in his gut to give or to help someone then they is nothing wrong with matter what that person does or if they buy beer or what ever ..that's on them..
And btw ...the twh helping this guy will not or should not excuss they wrong doing to the horses.. and if the story is true I'm sure that never crossed anyones mind..
Travis, my BS detector is screaming. I know you wouldn't do anything to perpetuate a scam, but I think somebody in the TWH community it trying to cloud the issue of soring and pressure shoeing by making folks think they're doing something good for one of their own. Here's the tip off: Anytime somebody seriously claims, "Every bone in his body has been broken...", you can make book that it's a lie! Not a mistake, not an exaggeration, just an ordinary, common, run-of-the-mill, lie. It'd be kinda difficult to break every vertebrae without affecting the spinal cord and you can bet the farm that if it somehow ever managed to happen, the doctors wouldn't be worried about reconstructing the victim's face, they'd be worried about the spinal cord. By the way, your obvious talent at resurrecting old furniture and cast-offs and making them look beautiful and functional has made Momma wonder aloud why I can't do something like that. Thanks, buddy. Someday, I'll figure out how to get even.
Ya know when I seen everybone broke I told Jamie that news write needs be carful what he writes stuff like that... If that is the case it takes a sorry sombeech to come up with such a lie absurd I never even give a thought that someone would tell such a tell on a black handicap man...I've have done some rotten things in my younger years and I would not even stoop that low .. also what gets me is surely to god those was fake address to take money would not really take someone's money..
Mr tom thanks for the complement on the furniture....we got a email from hgtv two weeks ago asking for a video to be on the show where you go to the world longest yard sale and see who can turn 1k into the most money...I told Jamie that's it cause when they hear my broken azz English and country twang we would never hear back from so far nothing but a email sayin they got it and they may be in touch