Okay this horse was gelded 4 weeks ago. Last setting the hoof looked fine and this time it appears to be bulging at the coronary band with more pronounced stress rings. Is this related to the gelding and the 4 days of heavy penicillin dose? Or is this something I've done mechanically by not lowering the heels enough? This horse also has a high low type. The low hoof improved, but the high one has done this. High previous then current Low previous then current
Kim, Those stress rings are at least 3-4 months old and while they may have become exacerbated by the surgery, are, IMO primarily the result of the ongoing coronary band jamming/upwards displacement. To my eye, the displacement looks greater on the high side in the 'current' photo and somewhat less on the low side in the 'current' photo. With hoof in hand, I think I'd take more heel off even if that meant then adding a wedge to the package.
Kim, generally you should be able to get a "mild" hair line jam like this to settle before you nail up. If you take enough heel, it should settle in about 15 minutes - which means you will have to hit the bottom of the foot again with a rasp because it won't be flat after the hairline settles.
Thanks, I felt like I probably should have took more heel. Hoof in hand I didn't notice just how much it was jammed. Staring at the photos afterwards I realized just how much it was.