I'm quite partial to Bellota Top Sharp rasps, they last a pretty good time, and they cut fairly nicely on the pretty wet hooves here in Kentucky. I love the way Save Edge rasps cut, but for me they don't last at all.
I m stuck on the mill tooth design, Pfered and Preffered, I switched to the latest Exim for a week, I found the file side excellent but the rasp side just did nt do it. I informed the folks at Exim, after 5 horses I just could not continue, for me too much work. I still have some original Legends/black, I m going to try one next to see if it s mee or the tool. Ray
Yeah, when they catch the wet hoof wall too much and start to "chatter", as some people call it, rather than smoothly gliding over while still removing hoof wall.
For the money Save Edge Rasps have been the best for me. A wet hoof plugs a rasp quick. Dry the hoof anyway you can: rag, towel, bedding material, wire brush (I GO THROUGH LOTS, They save my Rasps and Hoof Knives).
Yea I agree Brian, the bleeping things cut my hands and plug! Then I have to clean the filings and blood out! (and explain the red stuff is really mine). Maybe that's the wet hoof problem? Rob.
I think it's been about 20 years since Bellota's came onto the market....or at least at my supplier. I got a free one to try and never went back to any other brand. I'll get a free one at a clinic from another company and I'm always dissapointed by them. I'll stick the the Bellota's. Like Chris said a little chalk will keep them from clogging. Chalk also will help keep other small files from clogging if you are filing on soft metals. you can also get a few extra head out of each one if you run a flap wheel in a drill press and lightly go over the teeth before you turn that rasp into your finishing rasp. once you run a rasp over nails or the shoe edge the teeth don't sharpen up much. There are flap wheels and then there are flap wheels. Try finding the ones that have about 80 flaps. Not the cheap ones that have about 10 flaps with foam between the flaps. Gary
I have been trying for over a month now to get ahold of Ray so I can order some prepffered files. He's a busy man and hard to track down. Soft feet I stick with a mill tooth. Hard feet I use save edge photo finish
Is the Bellota line available in Ireland,England etc.. I know that they used to come out of Spain ,now Mexico, but I ve not heard of them mentioned by the farriers from across the pond ? thanks Ray