I guess 3 months no show and not paid the board constitutes abandonment. I got her out of the field yesterday, and picked out her feet, fly spray, and one of the teens rode her. She's about 9+ weeks overdue for a trim, so I'm hoping to get some before and after pics.
I know what it's about . Daughter traded interest in horses for interest in boys. And mom is unemployed right now. The BO said her feet were trimmed, but it doesn't look like he took off enough. I guess I'll have to catch him next time.
Well, Dana, I guess so. She's boarded at the barn my horse is at. So there she is, not coming from anywhere. I still have to talk to the BO and see what he wants to do because I don't know if he can first take her for board owed, or I can just say she's mine. Thomas. The whole story. I bought my mare, and didn't know she was pregnant. Well then came Buttercup. I really really didn't want another horse. But she was a baby and I kept her. Two years ago, I took them both from my backyard to a boarding place-she could be broke and I could be a barn rat, LOL Then I put her up for sale, but wanted a good home. This girl, Deena (not real name-she's a minor) loved her and she was the only girl at the barn not to own her own horse. So I sold her for $1 . It would work out fine for me since BC would be at that barn. But, Deena is 13 and looks 16 and has discovered boys and an older crowd at school, so she hasn't come to the barn in 3 months, and the board hasn't been paid in 3 months. So, now, they owe the BO 3 months board, and I have a clause in my sale contract that gives me the right to take her if she's abandoned or not cared for. So I have to find out which comes first. I will be putting her up for sale. BO wants to train her to pull a buggy. There's a caretaker there who wants to do it. I might be able to get this stuff done, and payment contingent on the sale. The BO is very well known in the gaited horse community, he has some stunning gaited horses there. Not one in pads or heavy shoes. And there are girls at the barn who are riding her and getting back in gait, since she was doing alot of cantering and jumping till 3 months ago. She's 7 years old in July. So, Thomas, I think that's the whole story.