What's with closing all the popular threads?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Travis Morgan, Jun 10, 2012.

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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    WTH? Why are threads getting closed because Chicken Lady thinks they've been discussed enough?
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Hi Travis. There are those who would like to keep some threads on topic. It just got to the point where I was deleting so much, it might be better just to close the thread so you can still read it.

    Then there are those who feel that they come home from work and should just relax and have fun, but where does joking around end and garbage start?

    If anyone has some editing/closing posts guidelines, please share. Serious ones.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Delete egregious personal attacks. Leave the snarky ones, because we're pretty much all smartasses. We cuss. Live with it.

    If you look at the closed threads, we have our pie fights, but they eventually are resolved and turn to serious discussion.

    And remember, every time you chew us out for going OT, you get dogpiled for it. We like our anarchy around here.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    If I delete personal attacks, and bs that doesn't belong here, then no one will get to see who/why got deleted. If I close a thread because it's gone way over the line, then everyone will look to see who got the thread closed.

    And the OP gets dissed because the replies they are waiting for are not coming.

    There are a good number of veteran members here who are going to leave if there's not a reduction in garbage. If someone can moderate better, please have a vote and sign'em on.

    I cuss too, and I like Guiness.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Most of the garbage comes from the veteran members.
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    I think it's time to go Karen. Your "power" is going to your head.

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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Why would you think that?
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    And why would you think that?
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    You're becoming detrimental to the free exchange of opinion on the site.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    No, the posts are still there, and new on-topic posts were re-started. So really how is that detrimental?
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Do you want to argue about it?
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Why would you want to argue about it? This has to do with respect for the OP.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Karen I have been a big fan of your ..you take pride in ur work..maybe to much at times.. I came on and seen the closed thread and was pissed..hell I left a site for that bullshit..imho this is a bar room of farriers that don't have to leave home and risk a dui.. in a bar room you hear snarky smart ass coments ..I like jac macs smart ass stuff..I love when Jaye Perry fires right back...hell its bowing off steam...I have yes mam all damn day..I have to dress up to go shoe friggin horses.. when I shoe a show I have a brand new shirt I wear one time because its junk after that show due to stains..in other words all day I have to mind my manners watch my p and q ..I come here to kick back shoot the shit where farriers can talk shop without any of the day to day pressures... The thing you may have missed is...all you seen was the junk..what I and other farriers seen was some really good info...if a farrier feels another is to abrasive..all he or she has to do is hit the ignore button...if the sombitch don't have sense enough to do that he can log his ass off or choose another thread...please stop shutting down threads and stoping post..
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Travis, If you posted a serious question about a horse that needed help, and all you got was pi$$ing match , bs, and so on, would you want someone to get your topic back on track, or just let it continue as a bar room brawl?
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    This is my opinion, as stated in another thread.

    "I expect to see a certain amount of crap on forums. There's always been plenty on HS, lord knows. I agree there might need to be some simple rules to keep things from getting out of hand sometimes. I think farriers giving advice should be required to sign their real names, and non farriers should be limited to asking questions or commenting. I'm not sure about the commenting, might be too vague. Personal attacks and discriminatory remarks should not be tolerated. That would about cover it for me. I don't think we really need a babysitter, with a handbook of too many rules. "

    Does the part about non-farriers bother you? I guess I feel the same way about non-farriers editing and moderating. They don't live in the same world we do. Sorry, it's my honest opinion.

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    dana fenn It's complicated . . . .

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    WHEW . . . . can i get an Amen? ;)

    thanks, Travis!
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    So, Rick, Travis and Travis, I like the banter too. This is not about babysitting.
    I'll reopen the TWH thread although Brian Robertson started another thread on saddlebreds and those orthopedic shoes.

    I would like some members suggest what to do about keeping things on topic and what is the deciding factor in deleting a post from a member's point of view?
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    brian robertson Active Member

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    maybe we 'all shouldn't be so lazy; when a thread goes off the rails, just start another one more to your liking. Hell, even old guys can do it.
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    A simple "lets get back on topic" would be a good start, alhtough it may or may not be effective. Have you read the "what nail selection do you carry?" thread? It got off topic, but was valuable. Editing per my last post would fit my taste. You have been a bit heavy handed. If you want to "be in control", be advised we do not want to be controlled, and will leave BWAHAHAHA!:D

    Study more, work harder, hurt more, take more shit, and you will understand our world.


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