What's with closing all the popular threads?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Travis Morgan, Jun 10, 2012.

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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I don't see how you can call me a bully. I respond to you with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair.
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    I have offered plenty of guidance to you, but you chose to keep moderating anyway.
    Mark Twain said; "If you want to know a man's vice, ask him what he's against". I have noted several times you will delete a post then make a remark about the poster. For my part, I'm pretty much over the pain, but all the counseling costs are killing me.
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    Bill Adams Active Member

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    I thought I had been concealing that so well. Dang, outed on the internet.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Bill, haven't you ever heard of amateur detachment?
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    dana fenn It's complicated . . . .

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    the only reason i hang around is to steal all your one liners to use on the 8 guys i have to work with . . . . :whistle:
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    jack mac Guest

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    An up date note from Bulliesareus
    After a emergency crises meetings where held today by Managing directors Bill Adams. The board of directors & share holders of Bulliesareus met for crises talks . Resolution was reached on the issue . The board & share holders coming to a consensuses on the matter pertaining to ;the ever increasing number of babies having to attend forum creche with the incidence of paper cut . After Deliberation & Serious consideration of 30 seconds. The motion was past unanimously that action had to be taken & a tender be sent out in due course seeking the employment of a guidance councillor to aid in the mental well being of the moderator.With the assurance future influx of such babies attending creche will be monitored.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Jack, you have such a way with words!
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    jack mac Guest

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    Karen this is no laughing matter . Bulliesareus are a caring Corporation. As chairman of the board I only have praise for the managing director Bill Adams for calling a crises meeting. Minute scratches & tiny little flesh wounds could easily become infected with such baby soft skin of the like we have been seeing babies attending with at the forum creche . If this out break hadn't been addressed. Who knows we could of had an epidemic on or hands & we cant rest on our laurels where not out of the woods yet.:D
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Ooh Rah!
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Well I suppose it comes down to if this is a forum geared towards the general horse owning public or Farriers as the title suggests.

    IF truely a Farriers Forum, then we can moderate ourselves just fine I'd think. Ignore button for those with more delicate sensibilities. IF geared towards the general public then yes moderating is needed to not offend those lurking to learn about hoof care.

    So which is it? Personal preference: Let this be a True Farrier's Forum and Horseshoes.com be the one geared for everyone. Not saying horse owners can't participate here, just that they would have to understand this is a workshop and not a place for "moderation".
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    jack mac Guest

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    Why don't we just make the rest of the Whinging prom's Mods. We can all sing God save the Queen every hour on the hour............#@%$#
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    OR Kimmy can talk the admin into making this an invite only forum and just not invite owners.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Really?? :rolleyes:

    I fear you have mistaken intention, Karen. It's not about Farriers and Owners. IT's about not catering to those who don't have thick enough skin to handle things on their own. Those in demanding professions tend to be able to handle such, the general public, mmmm not so much.

    I'd like to think Nurse's have thick skin as well. At least my Aunts do.
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    jack mac Guest

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    I like my Nurses To have soft skin & tight outfits .:love:
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    You're right. It's not about catering to those who need to press the "baby button". I am in awe of farriers, if I weren't , I would not have been an owner on a farrier board for 5 years. And I do like the banter as well.

    But , as the board was set up, all members are equal members, unlike the other forum. Which means to me that those letting off steam , and farriers bashing eachother, is pretty much equal to those who don't like being degraded not related to shoeing, or the use of foul language.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Why can't I be a Mod ? Just because I'd Ban every Whinging Pom on here & any that showed up.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Are we really still stuck on this..I think we all can agree that H.s is where we all meet and its prob the biggest shoe site around..or was....are we all gonna act like that site was not built on the backs of posting farriers brawling out day in day out..they only started the clean up in the last .four years..now look at it... If wanna know a birthday or a poem head on over there..how long has it been sense a radiographes where posted by a farrier...its a site for horse owners ran by a horse owner..keep the horse owners here but don't water down they whisky just give it to them straight...
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    ...but deal with blood and guts every day, watch babies die, comfort people who watch their baby die, not to mention nurses who dislike eachother but come together as a team when needed-without pause.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Isn't that what the IGNORE button is for??

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