Here's some pics I found from when I was starting out. It was a young draft horse that foundered and the vet resected the medial side of his foot. Vet wanted a barshoe on the horse. I just happened to have a piece of, I think, 20" x 1 x 1/2 laying in the back of my truck. So this is what I came up with back then.
Hey my first camera was one of these. I did B&W and developed my own film and made prints. Did the high school yearbook.
So what was the final condition of this young draft when you finished with him. I am assuming you followed through with further visits and shoeing. ?
The foot was just about grown in, from what I remember, and they moved to Kentucky. He was doing fine when he left. I assume the foot finished growing out and the horse did fine after that. I trimmed that foot fairly often because soo much wall was removed that the medial side kept collapsing.