anybody know if it is possible to put a prostetic on a front leg from the knee down ? a very traumatic day and i am looking at every option available at this present moment , the old lead bomb is the very last option , going to bed now I really need some sleep
Its been done by Redden, Patrick Reilly did one on a goat not sure about horses Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
not only for ponies and horses but even elephants: legs on horses&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4TSNO_enUS480US480&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=bAwEUrjaMZTYyQGvsYGoBQ&ved=0CDAQsAQ&biw=1487&bih=666#imgdii=_ also try googling Molly the pony
Chris: Ric Redden, DVM office 859-873-5294 clinic: 859-873-5282 Fax: 859-873-6589 E-mail....Dr. Redden at Address: P.O. Box 507 8235 McCowans Ferry Road Versailles, Kentucky 40383 USA He can help you; and he does this type of surgery.
Got to help Dr. Redden and Dr Carter in Washington Ok. on a mares front leg they used the steering column from a VW bug years a go and a Hind leg on a stallion we used schedule 80 pvc on that one. The problem with the mare was the pins that hold the prostetic on and in place wallo out and have to be redone she lived long enough to have her foal and ween it. The stud did not like the hind one at all. He slipped and broke the off hind and had to be put down.
do you think i three legged horse could cope ? i have seen several species missing a limb that are mobile and coping well
The thing I would worry about is cronic founder from over stress, but that depends on the size, weight of the horse and also the size of the hoof I would think.
The mare or stallion must be worth some ££££ if your even contemplating this Chris, how long does it have to be kept alive on the prosthetic for if it happens?
being put in a cast and leg brace today , see what happens . Davy the horse is worth chuff all in money but after losing the family it is the reason im still here , i owe it every channel that is possible to live
There is a phone baloney "rescue all animals prison" near me and years ago a mare escaped and had a foal while living in the bottom land near a large creek and lake in E Texas.. anyway the little colt fractured his right hind leg and the "caregivers" never could drive the mustang mare back onto property...I saw the little guy when he must have been about a year and ahalf...the fracture had set but the hindleg was way different but it could run with his mother...I told them to put a mare inheat tied up in the near pasture to the creek and that the little Stallion would lead his momma back into the property...wish I would have bet a Million dollars because that is just what the little Stallion did...they shut the gate and mother and son were home again...dumbass people running the "rescue"???
i must point out that the horse is not in pain or showing any sign of distress , that is when i will say goodbye . the leg is not broken so the option of plating , screwing etc is a no go
I'm pretty sure the load on the remaining limb would be too much for it and you would end up with lameness problems in that one. Sounds like you are talking about amputation then, Chris. So what's the issue?