Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    David your a gentleman
    i have nothing to say again to the other person
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    david a hall Moderator

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    The brief was hunter fit, so safed off toe and inside branch with pencilled heel, as I said before its a portfolio thing, looked good on the hos :D
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    jack mac Guest

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    I think you read that wrong John it was a shot at you & your bumped up toe but don't fit well pretty shoe's . David sons shoe is fitted up just fine.
    Maybe Ill start practising one of the judges favourites. the bull dust bevelled hind. That's a shoe fulled to course & made to big so it hangs out right round the hoof a good 4mm . But that's ok because we bevelled it making it a much better cutting edge.So that way if the horse strikes its self where guaranteed a blood bath . sounds a BRILLIANT IDEA. I must write the measurements in to my little black book . Now what are they again that's right .Enough metal to make to big a shoe to fit .
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    jack mac Guest

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    There made out of round bar . bent to circulars shape. heated again & pressed or drop forged .I'm gathering partly Dropped forged due to the force required to flatten the round bar form the clip & stamp in the fuller. I could be wrong Its not like they invite you in to show you how there made .It could be pressed if you had a press with very high ton hydraulic pressure. Most crank Brake presses aren't any where near the force required. If they are hydraulic pressing them. Then it wont be long before there made in china where they have the capacity to drop forge with a force of 450 thousand ton & the capacity to manufacture the whole process with robotics. Drop forging being a hell of a lot faster then hydraulic pressing.
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    Jack great to finally speak to you. In to reference to safeing the toe "dubbing" the brief is hunter fit and hunter shoe. I feel knocking some lads work because of a grudge is pathetic. Like to thank you for your views though, will take them on board and change my shoeing style to your liking. Thanks smitty and dad for your nice comments and others :) rant over
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Alex hope you will drop in now and then
    we need good young lads on here

    keep up up that good work your doing
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    This "jumping the toe" thing - is that the same as bumping the toe or upsetting the toe?
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    jack mac Guest

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    Your ether putting it there or taking it away. make your bloody minds up . Or simply work with & not against what the purpose of why your shoeing in the first place. Some like to think this trade is all about cake decorating which would be fine if under all that icing they have laid on there's sweet cake to eat & not just a cooked up over baked load of crap. which tends to be the dish of the day . Shoeing a horse fundamentally is about removing the horn that wont hold up to the wear & tear of the conditions its going to encounter & replacing it with a material that stands a better chance of doing so. & not to much more. other then insuring you mimic what that hoof would be & should be with or with out a shoe on it .
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    Have you ever thought you could be wrong? Also presuming that all we do is want to make things look pretty and not think of function is just pathetic. Primarily we make the main function that the feet are level and balanced. If you don't have the skills to make them look pretty with there function, then that's your loss. I'll carry on shoeing how I am and how my father (who I admire and look up too) and all the British farriers and some none British farriers shoe, because beleive it or not, it works ;-) so carry on keyboard bashing, because you'll only be talking to yourself. Also feel free to buy some farriery related text books and educate yourself.

    Thanks smitty, I'll be checking in quite a bit, got a good range of shoeing to do for college.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Jack great to finally speak to you.well sort of . I'm not Knocking your work lad . I think its good work keep at it & its a thousand times better then the joker that gets around these traps in a rat mobile calling him self the professional. If you want to call over 40 years experience a grudge that's your call. But for mine every hunter I shoe gets a toe clip so the shoe don't shift back & an outside heel clip to help stop the shoe shifting around when the horses are powering up & down the hills following them hounds & where I'm at the hills are more like mountains. A good testing ground for what works & what don't.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Alex, You shouldn't take anything personally or seriously that's said by a celebrity.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Let me tell you something lad a text book is only as good as its author.
    Where I'm from its a low louse that flogs a bloke in front of his kid. So ill let it through to the keeper. have a nice day
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    jack mac Guest

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    Yer not every one like me gets to wear the red jump suit & is out there with the stars . Its hard going but someones gota wear it . more band aids please. there seems to be more paper cuts. :D
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    You should write a book Jack. I'd buy it. Get an editor, though, so you can publish an English version.:ROFLMAO:

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    Alex stick to your dads teachings , you will not go wrong with him ,
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    Cheers chris
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Alex you for sure gotta take what's said on here with a grain of salt.. people love to push buttons and one thing I have found out is every single farrrier I have ever ran across thinks the way they shoe is the only way and the right way..and they can't understand how horses are even walking the way others shoe..lol..
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