Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    John just cause controversy , i would like to have fitted longer not so full in the toe , saying that it looks a very tidy job , i am just trying to get some serious shoeing protocol debating to happen
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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    If not for the c/w I'd have said that was a front foot

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    I can agree with maybe a bit longer laterally. . .but what are you meaning by not so full in the toe Chris?

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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    set it back more Josh with a squarer toe
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I was very happy with both heel lenths
    I should of taken a pic of the foot before to let
    you see what I had to deal with
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Lovely job. Especially as it was made on site.
    In all my time shoeing, I have never seen a horse shod with caulk and wedge, let alone shod one myself.
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i know im wrong John but as i said i am just trying to get objective questions and answers to work posted , no critisism is intended as you say i was not there at that given time , personnaly from what i see i think my toe would have been fitted squarer , but that is my preferred way
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    no problem Chris fire away
    I have 3 C/W on my books now
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i dont have anything else to ask John , but if i want to question anybody in what i think is constructive I will in the future
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Why do folk ask you for them? I mean what are the horses used for that makes them a candidate for the C&W?
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    saves on the use of studs when hunting , tradition , and for a farrier a very happy experience hat is something to behold
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Lyme disease can cause joint pain and swelling. I don't know why it would only be in one knee, though. I think she just pulled that diagnosis out of her ass. :cool:

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    Josh Ramsey Member

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    I've seen some where the length looks good holding it on your hands but short/long on the ground. . .usually short

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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    I can only post pictures to facebook ? When I want to upload a file here is sends me to documents instead of pictures...I made some lite toe weights out of 3/4 X 3/8 today that I left a slight wedge heels and rocker toe..plus had to fit really full in the toe because the Rocky Mountain horse had a grade 1 club Lf Ft was extremely pacy...Trainer rode her right after and she is run walking now instead of paceing...:) Happy Happy Happy!:)
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    Tejun Member

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    Fair is in full swing, and now I am getting a little breathing room. I have been doing enough horses that I am neglecting being a farrier, by being on here and learning from you fine gentlemen and gentle ladies. ;)

    I didn't get too many pictures but here is some stuff. This first bunch is from someone who doesn't like the hoof wall removed. Like at all. I think this is coming from a barefoot site somewhere? I have heard both arguments but what is your opinions on the matter? Here is some photos from a 'compromise' situation, a shoeing job to barefoot specs? :D

    IMG_5611[1].JPG IMG_5609[1].JPG

    Here is a front shoe that came off. The owners found it hung on a wire in a fence. I was happy with how the clenches popped and didn't damage the wall or horse, but the shoe still bent, wow.
    IMG_5605[1].JPG IMG_5606[1].JPG

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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Sounds like it's taking you to your default location in documents. Try this. Find the picture you want to post, and right click on it. Scroll down to where it says properties and click that. Another window will display that has a tabs. Under the general tab, it will show you where the "location" of the picture is. When you want to post here, click the "upload a file" tab, then navigate to the directory you saw was the location of the picture.

    Another option would be to move or copy your pictures to the "documents" directory, or do what I did. Create a folder called "pictures" on your desktop. You can move all your pictures to there, or create sub folders in there for different groups of pictures. When you want to post a picture, you'll be able to find it in there.

    Sorry this is off topic, but I would like to see Gary's pictures.


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    david a hall Moderator

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    Where it sends you to docs, the right hand scroll bar should show you downloads recent places and pics.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Tejun just woundering was there a rasp and a hammer used
    in those shoeing jobs?
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    Tejun Member

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    No. Just glue and steel wool

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