Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    That's the thing with this job. Sometimes it's just trial and error to find out what the horse likes. But once we find it, then it's full bore. I've got a couple I end up second guessing myself until I get back to it again and find out I made the right choice - feels great!
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    It certainly is. I looked at the horse on the Wednesday and shod it on the Saturday, was only Friday evening after a lot of thinking did I decide to do what I did. Speaking with the owner since my last post she reports the horse going amazingly and 10 times the horse, so must of done the trick :)
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Well done, I like when a farrier goes the extra mile
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    Alex Hall Active Member

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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    But Smitty, that's being a farrier, one who can go that extra mile to think of the horse first. A lot of people can go out and nail shoe on, but to really do something to help a horse do its job better that's the true end to which a real farrier has his sights set.

    The part for me is the look in an owner's eyes when they notice the difference we've made. I am lucky to have a riding hall here at the house. When I get a horse with a real problem I get the owner to drive to me, I can see the horse work before and after shoeing with no pressure from others at at riding hall or working in a stable.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't round up flat section when half round is easy to get locally. OTOH, over here concave is about as common as hen's teeth and more costly in the straight than buying it already turned and punched.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    What ever way you go about it , its nice to be able to slap a ruler
    on the foot and go make it from scratch.
    thats mostly what I meant in my last post
    been able to do it.
    I made a pair of graduated raised heels yesterday
    put 2" in each heel just what we were thought to do
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Some reseting today, would never dream of byeing shoes you can make better
    These are the app effort 20150526_093841(1).jpg
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I would never dream of buying shoes I couldn't make better.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    One from today 20150528_102439(1).jpg 20150528_103132(1).jpg 20150528_103107(1).jpg 20150528_110329(1).jpg
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    One from today 14 1/2" of 3/4 x 5/16
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    Michael Allen Champion spokesman for UK toolmaker!

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    I think we are all busy with the summer... I did take a second to grab a photo this morning 20150815_093230.jpg
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    Mike Lawrence Member

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    Never see any pics of horses anymore. Here's one from today. IMG_20160503_152328.jpg IMG_20160503_152328.jpg IMG_20160503_150851.jpg IMG_20160503_150940.jpg
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I will try put one up tomoro
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    gullyforge New Member

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    Hi Alex.

    I'm a new member and was wondering how the horse has gone in the year since your post.

    Changes to shape of hoof capsule/s?
    Any xrays since?
    Any supporting leg issues becoming evident?

    'Hardy' horses cope with pain too well so I also like to be fairly proactive. These things don't usually occur until a horse is well in to its career and extending its time at that competition level is what it's about I reckon. Slowing the inevitable chronic pain that comes with age and 'mileage'. We can attest to that better than most!

    I have a particular interest in keeping older performance horses sound and would appreciate reading your observations.

    Andrew/ gullyforge
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    I have one to do tomoro andrew that the owner wants c/w ,so all going well i might put a pic or two up
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    One from today,one of those narrow and long type feet owner was looking c/w on behind. Made from 14 1/2" of 3/4x1/2 concave IMAG0296_1.jpg
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    gullyforge New Member

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    Thanks for taking the time to share the pictures.

    Enjoyed them very much but was scared for a moment in your second pic. Your photographer needs to check the position of your trouser fly in future.:oops:

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