Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    Platerforge Guest

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    Thank you, and I a very very grateful that Chris thought that much of my work. I am really honored he said that of me. I really, really try to be a good blacksmith.
    Maybe, just maybe; if Chris can get Lynn (my daughter) and I over to England someday; and maybe, just maybe??? I would love to visit Ireland and you and learn from you, as well. Chris has taught me a lot in such little time he was here.
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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Linda I don't think he will have any problems getting you guys over.. I been thinking for awhile now that he may be sweet on you and has taken a shine to ya.. hey yall make a good team to boot..could be our first forum romance..
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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    Hey Linda- pound out that heartbar!!
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    Platerforge Guest

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    I did make a barshoe;).........and ....then; on November 17th; I broke George's anvil stump in the process:eek::LOL::ROFLMAO:

    then I lost it:rolleyes:........it might just be in between the seats of my truck; I have to go look for it again.
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    Platerforge Guest

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    oh dear me
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    Mikel Dawson Active Member

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    Hey Linda,
    Read what I quoted, then think about what I wrote!!!!
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    lady farrier.JPG We know you made a bar shoe Linda
    We would love to see a pic of you under the horse
    or behind the anvil.
    we dont get to see lady farriers in my Country
    i had the pleasure of working with this Lady
    she came over to judge a competition
    and we gave a bit of a demo
    one of the reasons i got taken pics
    is i dont have one pic of my father shoeing or other wise
    he died at 47 and none of our family have pics to look back on
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    Platerforge Guest

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    so very sorry to hear that about your dad.

    Actually, Lynne Marie [George's girlfriend] did take pics of the first hammer-in; and has a good pic of me; if they only would put it up here!!!
    I do have some pics of me; one a good one working in the forge making a block and sticker!!!! have the shoe; but can't seem to find that at the moment, either:mad:
    I wish I could, or if sent thur phone; someone could put them up for me; they are in print; not on a digital camera; also I have pics of Chris which I don't know how to get them on here as well; from my phone and on print.
    When I come to Europe, I want to shoe and take pics. It would be a pleasure.
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    Platerforge Guest

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    I knew what you meant.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    my father died under a horse Linda
    just fell back into the lad arms that was holding the horse
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    Platerforge Guest

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    so sorry. it is how Sonny Conners here died. and simmerly , John [my late common law husband] sort of died too, was with him at the track as he shod up horses that day at Delaware Park, came home with me; I went to get our 3 year old daughter from day care; and came home to find him having a heart attach.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    11 inches of 5/8 x 3/8 on my daughter's pony today
    pulled the cleches a bit... :(
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Been there done that Chris. In all facets, situations and up and coming like u.
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    Kararrah Bannana (2) resized.jpg Kararrah Bannana resized.jpg Kararrah Bannana (2) resized.jpg
    A yearling with rotation
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    resized.jpg resized 2.jpg
    Clubby yearling
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    resized 2.jpg
    More club footed yearlings
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    Nice work, Dave.
    When you remove the dish back to the laminae and then put a toe clipped shoe on the hoof, do you not run the risk of causing further damage to the toe?
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    I haven't ran into problems with it yet, but yeah now that you say it I would agree with you, I guess Im increasing the risk of WLD entering at the toe. In this particular bunch I cant use a quarter clips as they are leaving the stud and going to a trainer who wont like them and clipless with a wedge heel Ive had no luck keeping on club feet. Its definately something I will think of in future though shoeing a similar foot.
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    Rick Burten Professional farrier

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    What I have found some success with is a [mild] rocker toe. This does a couple of thing. Because you are shaping the wall to accommodate the rocker in the shoe, you reduce the amount of exposed laminae and, a rocker acts much like a 'broad clip' to help stabilize the shoe/wedge on the hoof but doesn't put as much 'focal' pressure on the laminae.
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    SkunkCreek Member

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    New to the forum here, although I did post a few times on the old forum. Didn't see a better place to start at so here I am. Feel free to criticize, I'm here to learn!
    This one is a reset from Friday.

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