Everyday Shoeing

Discussion in 'Everyday Horseshoeing' started by gary evans, Mar 8, 2012.

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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    David i never had problems
    i remember the time every 2nd horse got them
    I think the problems are down to trim and fit in most cases
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    If it was just the ones I shod I would agree but Sam is well able to trim and fit and it happened the ones he shod as well but I suppose light tb feet.
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    brian robertson Active Member

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    When they choose to have an "Arabian Moment" in the cross ties when the sparks stop flying and the dust settles, it's amazing where the location of a burned clipped hind shoe can be.
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    would you beleive sam just rang me a minute ago and i ran it by him
    he said the sun must be getting to you:)
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    gary evans old and slow

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    Cool, it's just that you put me down once (on this thread) for asking about shoe length and told me that the widest part of the frog was one's starting point for gauging shoe length.
    That one looks a bit short of the widest part of the frog.
    Could be camera angle, of course.
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    david kelly Dave Kelly

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    And the heat from the forge must be getting to you :)
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Gary this is the only other shot i have
    but for me this is how to shoe hunter
    he has ample cover
    if you would like to post that pic of your job
    if my memory serves me theh heels of your foot
    need taking down on top of short shoeing
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    ray tyron Member

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    Once I nail one up its clinched and any sharp edges are removed maybe its that or maybe its horse handling .not trying to argue just have not had it happen to me .whats left of the hoof wall when this occurs.
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    gary evans old and slow

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    I knew I shouldn't have asked...
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    Ask by all means, i dont claim to be mr right far from it
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    smitty88 Well-Known Member

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    12 1/2" Chris
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    brian robertson Active Member

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    then it's "say hello to my little friend", equilox
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    ray tyron Member

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    Whats truly amazing is the behavior some people can bring out in a horse
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    Tejun Member

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    have you ever had a bad horse ray? Have you ever had one throw a fit?
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    ray tyron Member

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    Nope Tejun I only shoe marry go round ponies ,as long as no buddy turns it on they all behave .;)
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    Clint Burrell Active Member

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    I once had to offer a barn owner the treat of an "ass kickin'" if he didn't stop running the weed eater down the side of the barn I was working in.

    Horse didn't like it either.

    I've had shoes shifted due to a spastic moment, usually not fully nailed up. Foot jerked away after a few nails set, but I don't use city head nails.
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    Tejun Member

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    I am the king of running little kids off. Nothing scarier than the farrier giving them the what for.

    When i was real young My Grandpa was trying to do a young horse and these kids kept zooming by on four wheelers. About the third time the horse set back my grandpa came flying out from under that horse and somehow had the shaping hammer in his hand and threw it bouncing it off the fender of one causing the other kid to dodge the ricocheting hammer almost wrecking. They stopped with angry looks only to see my fat old grandpa screaming and running at them. Needless to say they sped off real fast.

    Haha. Just this Thursday a damn deer jumped out of a gorse bush sending an otherwise sane horse ape shit, I ended up in a ball holding my damn shoulder.
    The deer didn't seem to get my cursing or threats.
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    AnthonyLawrence Active Member

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    Smitty what is the reasoning for the shorter medial... and longer lateral branch?
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    ray tyron Member

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    I see a lot of people useing what looks like a e head on hear? The most of the keg shoes avalible around hear are prichaled for a city .are you reprichaling them ? How tight do the heads seat when you do this? Why the preference for e heads ?
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    ray tyron Member

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    When dealing with horses murphys law will always apply,chit happens but IMO if horses spazzing out enough to shift a shoe is a regular occerence to some one then they seriously need to look at how they handle a horse or quit driving there nails backwords ;)

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