Most of my tools and forge are packed up but found these in junk by the anvil. Quick and dirty fuller and stamp made from truck spring tempered in the way I described. Cleaned them up as example of temper not as a entry. Fullering and stamped cold!!
Dont start shoveling dirt over this one yet smitty we still have seven days left ?Still need examples of Chris,David and alex's stamping to evan begin judging. Unless we want to start a 3rd class ( Pritty tools that may or may not make a hole that a nail fits in)
I know Smitty ,just joking. Im hoping to compeat in the next one but im pritty sure we will be still moveing and unpacking all next month .
Its not that at all Chris i antisipated every ones work to be of the upmost quality and included it in the rules to make it easier to make the final choice . I feel that the most important part of a stamp -pritchal is how the nail fits the hole all other qualitys are pritty mutch personal preference.
Monty you make me smile, these guys know what a nail hole needs to be, most of us are making handmades because they nail up better and stay tight for longer, look at thir forging skills, sharpening a stamp and pritchel is child's play...... These guys are buisy craftsmen, we all had dinner the other night and were saying what a pain the photo posting is, I have to take a pic, email it to myself, save the pic and then post it, the stamp takes less time to make.
David. Ive made a lot of tools over the years .some were so buitfull that i hated to use them but diddent work for squat and others were so ugly i was embarest to carry them around but worked fantastic . I'll tell you what if the two people who went to the trouble to fallow the rules and posted pics of the work done dont have a problom with it i will judge them as things are.
I'm not in the same league as Smitty, Chris and David, but I don't mind making up the numbers. Like Michael, I didn't have any tool steel handy, so I stopped off at Tool Mart on my way home and bought an 18 inch cold chisel for five quid (eight dollars) The welding is crap, but I don't get much practice these days - I could have ground it down to make it look pretty, but I think that weakens it. I don't have any pictures of nail holes, as I left the tools in the forge to cool. If it's still a requirement, I'll do it in the next day or so.
he was not on his best for sure lo , i had to fly out last night , i was not going to argue , a couple of sleep was needed , back tues morn though , apperently cold and snow , why do I do it ?
Chris I think monty was not looking for polish just a pic of the nail fit of the stamp and pritchel you made. how simple is that
Let's try and keep it a bit on track, Monty you are in charge and make the decisions on your criteria as you wish... It's all for fun....
Looks good to me Gary. Smitty, David thanks . I feel that its only rite that we stick to the original rules . You hit it dead on smitty its so difficult to tell scale from pics and as i said in my first post funchion is more importend then form . I think that the tools i posted prove that b@tt ugly can still get the job done. Looking forward to your pics Gary thanks