Will be posting results on the afternoon of the 28th as my internet is being shut off for the move and these picks are hard enough to see on this nook mutch less the tiny screen on my phone .please have all entrys in by noon that day thanks for your partisipation
No biggy Michael just wondering if it would be usable for say a plain stamp .just curious not a contest thing
I think it would work better as a drift Monty. I will try it in some 1/2 x 1 tomorrow and fuller one side and plain stamp the other
not necassary Michael though i would like to see it . It looks like it workes well for what you intended it for.
Made this shoe on site this morning. Used the punch and pritchel on both sides. 3/8 x 3/4. E 4 on medial side. Vx 50 on lateral
Results -- pri./ stamp 1st Smitty 2nd Michael Allen 3rd Gary Evens 4th Mikel Dawson 4.5th Bill Adams Recognized for beautiful craftmanship but incomplete entries-- David and Alex Hoof pic--- 1st Mikel Dawson 2nd Clint Burrell Honorable mention to-- David Hall and Dave Manzer Thanks guys was fun but from now on im a contestant
Thanks Michael . Glad i stuck with the origanal rules it was hard enough with the extra pics all the tools are verry good.
Well, it's 7:22 PM PST February, 28 2015. I've been out of town for several days, so I guess I'm on time but too late. Here's my stuff anyway.
Sorry Bill my day starts at 3am and ends at 8 pm most days i forget the rest of the world runs on day light wasting time.
I had it in before 8 pm. The judging was over by 4 pm. Normally entries come in by midnight and are judged the next day. I could have had it in a couple of weeks ago like some of the other guys I guess, but still it was through the 28th. Pretty much heartbroken here, but I'm young and will get over it.
So I second the nomination for Mr. Bunting to judge March. Would you like to pick a bar shoe/roadster/ anything for us to make sir?