lax tendon for vet

Discussion in 'Shoeing Horses with Lameness Issues' started by travis dupree reed, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Thanks for the condolences.
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    Brian Byrd New Member

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    Sorry Kim. Thank you for one of the best threads ever on ff. I just hate it came with the expense of your very nice foal.
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    ray steele Administrator

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    sorry for your loss.

    thanks for sharing and help with the educating.

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    DeniseMc Member

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    I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes horses come into our lives just to teach us something, and then it is just their destiny to leave. Your precious foal taught alot of us here in her very short life and I thank-you for sharing.
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    Gary Hill Active Member

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    Kim I am very sorry for your loss. You at least gave it your all and it just fell short..:sick:
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Sorry for your loss Kim.

    And, thank you for doing the right thing. I know how hard that can be.
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    Mary Ann RaySteeleDaveHallEricRussellTravisDupreeReed Fan

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    As someone who has also walked the fire and lost the battle, I know your pain. And this consequence can happen even when the wraps are done well.

    I know his will sound very off base at your time of grief, but I think some of what I say here may be too obvious and painful, but it may help channel your anger and grief. My thinking is the degredation happened with the first splint and the devitalized flesh took a while to show. To my eye - the first hard cast was too close to the limb - IOW they did not put enough padding and bulk between the cast and the flesh to permit circulation.

    I think this case needs to be peer reviewed. I hope this clinic does so. And they should settle monetarily with you as well. Whatever her hopes may have been - I think they snuffed them with that first cast.

    It is gonna hurt for a good while. The picture of her looking so bright with such devastated legs is very hard to reconcile. But it tells me she was not suffering. ANd my deep belief is you spared her that suffering by putting her down when you did.

    Big tearful hugs to you Kim! And highest regards for your incredible integrity and warrior woman skills!
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Mary Ann, That was not a cast that she first went home in. They had the surgery site just gauzed and vet wrapped. I did the wrapping from the fetlock down to secure the shoe, and I padded gauze around the fetlock and coronary band. She didn't wear it more than six hours because I took it off later when I got home and could see it was uncomfortable for her. All the wraps I did later where on the cannon only, but was too loose to stay and exposed the surgery site. Mind you I was attempting to do this all without help, and a squrimy foal. When I tried anchoring with elasticon at the top and bottom of the cannon, I noted the swelling the next day and removed it.

    So as far as bandaging, No she was not sent home in a proper bandage. And sure as hell was not bandaged right while staying at the clinic. I pointed out to them that yes I had not done it right when home with no help......... But I was quite surprised that they had not used cotton and started the wrap above the hock to anchor it, given the help and sedative if needed to do it right.
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    Mary Ann RaySteeleDaveHallEricRussellTravisDupreeReed Fan

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    They really need to submit to peer review. Even the post op care at home comes under their responsibility IMO.

    Glad to know that first picture was not a cast - but even as a wrap - I agree with you - it needed the padding.

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