lax tendon for vet

Discussion in 'Shoeing Horses with Lameness Issues' started by travis dupree reed, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Kim, All the best with baby. You are a strong person to go thru this, esp when it's your own.
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Got a third opinion from the City's Vet.

    He said he doesn't believe the Tetracycline would have worked, however he does think it was too soon to cut the tendon. He was not against the SFT being cut if that was the finding, but he was against the Orthotic suggested. He said basically I'm negating what was done by doing a toe extension and the SFT will heal back at it's original length which was what I was thinking when my Vet said no to a wedge. This Vet said the best thing for this baby right now was to be left as is, because if the tendon was cut right she will straighten it out on her own playing. He also said he hopes the tendon was thinnned? rather than severed. I didn't have more time to get an elaboration on that. I'm not his client.

    So I've got one Vet that said no Tetracycline, but brace it. One that strongly suggested the tenotomy and then toe extension. And this last one that said he wasn't for the tenotomy this soon, but leave off the orthotics and leave her be.

    The baby was much happier without the toe extension of course. She was cantering around yesterday evening after I removed it. The leg is in a much better position now, so I think I'll take the third Vet's suggestion of leave her be. I may make a "boot" like deal that I can put on for an hour or so a day to stretch her leg and leave her to do the rest.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    I'm glad she's on the mend-and feels quite happy about it!
    She's actually allowed to run and play?
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Yeah, he said its fine and encouraged at this point. She was stalled previously
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    Susan Holden Member

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    Just hope it all comes good Kim. Bit hard when even the vets can't agree!:confused:
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    Kim, which of the vets has the most filed experience with this issue? Any of them treated dozens or hundreds? Just curious.
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i would have got all these opinions first , before the op , what is the point if getting opinions afterwards ?
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Being a newbie or probie. We all started somewhere Chris. You , as others, reached for a goal........(y)
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    Jaye you are the first person to tell us too weigh up the options first , think things through ,
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Tom, I didn't ask any of them.

    Only talked to the City's Vet because I see him a lot.
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    Mr. Perry Active Member

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    Depends on what on what ones want to do with their lives Pard.
    Follow the "just get by crowd or espire to make a difference". Me, as you ; try make a difference.......That is what our mentors meant by just "grunting at OUR work". They didn't tell us shat, they wanted us to think..... and learn....:cool:
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    The veterinarian that cut the tendon was my second opinion. I only asked the city's Vet because I had access to him.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Its very easy to sit back & lay guilt on a person having to make a decision.One In favourable times they would never had to of made . Whether cutting the tendons helps or not . The intent is for one of positive out come for the horse.Made on professional advice provided at the time.Regardless of the future out come. Chris you need to back off & leave Kim alone. Your not being helpful or fair. :mad:
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    She's making progress, but now she's developed Coronitis at the quarters and heels. Too much pressure at the heels, or is the sand irritating them? I'll try to remember pictures later. I treated with iodine and veterincyn.

    uploadfromtaptalk1340919038628.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1340919095410.jpg
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    jack mac Guest

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    Keep her out of the sand ;)
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Going back to the Vet tomorrow. She's developed a crack along with the Coronitis. Sand probably isn't helping, but I think there's too much pressure on the heels and she needs the original package I was going to do. The wedge and slight toe extension.

    Still trying to figure out a removable one to give her some rest periods.

    uploadfromtaptalk1340993236698.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1340993260228.jpg
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    dana fenn It's complicated . . . .

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    Aww . . . . poor thing. Sorry, Kim! hope you get some resolution tomorrow!
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    She acts like it doesn't bother her. Still getting along fine and legs are straighter.
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    Karen Fletcher Active Member

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    Oh, poor baby. Kim, what causes coronitis?
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Can be systemic or as simple as irritation, which I believe is her case.

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