Outer hoof horn

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Karen Fletcher, Jun 15, 2012.

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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    Aw JPT, just when I thought you understood the use of capital letters....you should write "I" (in capitals) instead of "i". Don't get discouraged, you can write like a big boy if you keep working at it!
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    Kim Turner Master of my own domain

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    Pat I posted a pic on Travis' lax tendon thread. Can I get your take on it?
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    just passin through Member

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    That was funny,but i have to go...............I like all you guys,But alot of you have to grow up and i don't want to use names but one of the guys initals are T.B....
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    just passin through Member

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    I only type with 2 fingers,you guys crack posts in seconds and i try to check my spelling and i have been out of highschool longer than you are old,unless you are older than 40ish,and if your not you should show a little more respect?
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    I am older than 40ish, find another excuse for your illiteracy! I find that respect is granted when earned, and it has nothing to do with one's age.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Keep Dicking around with me posts. Who F-IN cares :D Pat do you Know they add "Bogen" to the Oxford dictionary yesterday. That just proves there are no real concrete rules in English. Comprehension is all that really matters. Its only those that feel a sense of superiority in maintaining a dumb system of chaotic jumbled letters that fret about it. Thankfully in mathematics they weren't as smart to use numerals that are pronounced & sounded out the same. TO+TOO=FOR or is it TO +TWO =FOUR. :D U You EWE sorry for the stutter.:)
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    Pat Reilly Active Member

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    "Dicking" doesn't need to be capitalized, and you should write "my" posts instead of "me" posts. You know Jack, I think you are getting a bit better!It is not a complete sentence, but we can't expect too much at this point, right?

    In all seriousness, I just don't want people to read this site and think of you as an idiot (with a small "i").
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    jack mac Guest

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    Well hopefully they wont when I highlight your great work as example's at my next lecher. :) I will be sure to use my work & not me work to demonstrate the brilliance & worthiness of you holding the position you do.
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Hey, now you can finally tell folks you've got a pair!
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Aside from the troll feeding grammar and spelling lessons, Pat makes a good point here. I hope folks consider it. This is a public forum, and can make us all look like "IDIOTS". I am perfectly capable of handling that part myself, thank you very much. ;)

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    jack mac Guest

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    Get a buff & a heap of sand paper for Christmas this year did ya Western.;) Pointing out Shemps a dud as a farrier is not trolling . Bad manners possible depending on what country your from . You don't have to worry western caring is sharing & I'm not caring any more to share . If you want me you can find me at the buff club listening to smooth tunes . Its more relaxing then listening to buffoons who like to strip the horn of all its periople.
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    chris bunting Well-Known Member

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    i have not shod them , never going to and have never claimed to ,
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    I've got quite a bit of road time with harness racing platers. The only time I see them pull out a ruler or a protractor is when the owner or trainer asks for a measurement. Sometimes the owner or trainer writes it down . . . obviously they thing writing it down is very important. I agree that it gives them something to do that makes them feel important.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Then you road with a harness shoe hanger & I doubt he shod to many winners. I don't get how you people think you shoe a galloper as you would a pacers & trotter.
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    Tom Bloomer Well-Known Member

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    This is true. He mostly shod the ones that held the track speed records. :p
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    Western Hill Forge Active Member

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    Jacko, old buddy.
    I'm just hoping people don't read your crap and assume that you are a representative of farriers in general. If anyone does, let me remind you that Jack has never posted any photos of his work, although he "claims" to be a farrier.

    He also "claims" to have been a vet. Not many vets I know suffer from his lack of literacy.

    Some people do have the opinion that the farrier profession is populated by a bunch of ignorant, irresponsible drunks. A lot of your posts would confirm this misconception.

    Every so often you post something that makes me wonder if I've misjudged you, and then you go right on to post 10 more that tell me you're faking all of it, one way or another.

    You are entertaining in a self destructive sort of way.

    Are there days you just forget to take your meds?:p:ROFLMAO:

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    travis dupree reed Active Member

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    Rick in all fairness most farriers are drinking buffons ...let's not kid ourself..most haven't a clue how to run a business..most don't even mark up supplies ..a lot drink on the job..thus you some guys covers up with work and some jody getting by..
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    Travis Morgan Copenhagen. You can see it in my smile!

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    Seems like a perfect candidate for lithium; pretty decent sometimes, batshit crazy the rest.
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    Thomas Opinionated and I know it

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    Travis, don't judge everyone by your own standards.
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    jack mac Guest

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    Would you rather I was more adapt at making you all look Inadequate & under educated. I can do that if you like ?; kinda boring though.
    Poor grammar & spelling gives you a little ammo to save face with .;) I think your deluded in thinking owner's care how professionally you! think you are. All they care about is what they see after you have attended their horse & how well that horse performs for the sums they have paid you.I have attended many a function & dinner party via personals invitation of some of the richest people in this country.
    What they have always liked about me was that lack of pretence.

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