i would only exspect that from you sir yes i shoe T/b infact i shoe most every type horse in Ireland i think i have proven my salts on this forum but im not sure you have
Well don't concern your self to much about me mate!!! . I'm just a Dumb Aussie what would I know . My blood lines European reject, that has to speak for its self wouldn't ya say . Oh & its not a crime over here to be proud of it.
Thank You Justin, there are so many areas and specifics that research on horn capsules could go and enlighten us all. I will need to read this a couple of times at least.
Can someone define the periople for me? cos I was under the impression that it was the membrane which covers the coronary band and extends a short way down the wall of the hoof. So unless you are rasping away to within a cm or so of the coronary band you are not affecting the periople.
Jack,would it be safe to say that you are a product of unsperior genetics? I say that because most of you people in oz don't have alot of teeth and it makes people think about IQs.But i don't think people with few teeth makes their iQs any different than DNA. I really like you and sometimes it doesn't show,but i do~
Guess you & I are made of same cloth JacMO! My people pissed in the Queen's pond and stowed away to Savannah. Really! WOW dude are we related? I have a connection NOW! I feel LOVED!.........................
The periople is the shine coating of the horn. The coronary band is the semi permeable membrane. confusion coming about by anatomy referencing placing the marker of reference at the coronary band the start point of the periople.
Jac the only thing I know to do is find a shit foot ottb and buff one foot and not the other...a shit foot ottb should be real easy to find...and I will buff all the way up and we can watch it over the next few shoeings..the one I have in mind is one the is so thin walled we had to use sigafoos the first setting due to the foot flat out would not hold a shoe... For the record its not that I don't think jac points have merrit..but with today and the constant stalled horses and the daily slather of hoof product is much much different than the 1920 horses crossing major rough terrain..
I I don't Know what the hell your on about. But I'm sure you can find some trained professional in cook coo clocks that could help you with your mentally challenged condition.
So what are all of you going to do now that cant use a rasp when you have to throw away the buffy machine
On MY WORST DAY JOHN! I will FK YUR world up. Got a plane ticket to London for the finals of th Olympics; per Hayden. He has been a friend for 10+ years. You want me to piss in your Corn Flakes; be glad to do that. I would rather fish for "browns". It's your call.....